Looking for someone with good recommendations in the South Yorkshire area preferably, to see for coaching ?
Also think it might be time to get my gun fitted. It’s currently got a trap pad on it and I feel like the gun is marginally too long for me also. I’m shooting ok but it doesn’t feel like my gun yet.
I’m never going to be world class but I would like to be as good as I can be I feel like I’m putting more effort in than ever and shooting know where near what I have been capable of before.
Any help or advice is as usual greatly appreciated
Also think it might be time to get my gun fitted. It’s currently got a trap pad on it and I feel like the gun is marginally too long for me also. I’m shooting ok but it doesn’t feel like my gun yet.
I’m never going to be world class but I would like to be as good as I can be I feel like I’m putting more effort in than ever and shooting know where near what I have been capable of before.
Any help or advice is as usual greatly appreciated