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Oct 1, 2013
As i am looking to buy a gun soon i was wondering if it would be worth having a few lessons to get started. I live in North Dorset, so would anyone be able to recommend anywhere ?


In a word yes...get in early and stop the bad habits before they start.

Locally you have Grahame Brown at PURBECK shooting school who will give you six lessons for a fixed price.


Rob Eaton who coaches at more places than national express.

If you want my recommendation I would book a couple of hours with Ed Solomons, he is a wizard!

+1 for Ed, top bloke!

He comes down to Owl's Lodge occasionally, so would be worth asking him when he's next down. 

Markyy2, if you contact him and get a date, tell him I'll have a couple of hours with him, make it worthwhile for him.

+1 for Ed, top bloke!

He comes down to Owl's Lodge occasionally, so would be worth asking him when he's next down. 

Markyy2, if you contact him and get a date, tell him I'll have a couple of hours with him, make it worthwhile for him.
And I would too....

For fu*ksake that's the price of lessons just gone up then!

Ed you are mediocre at best, we only give you money to stop you signing on. keep your prices where they are ;-)

All that being said top coach

Who ever you get lessons from, I would defo recommend it. Get a couple of lessons in fact. Try out a few different guns, try out different disciplines, and ask tons of questions!

They might be able to find you a good 2nd hand gun for a good price also.

Definitely, Ed is well worth having.



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You could also try southern counties near Dorchester. Anthea Hillyer is a great coach and once you know a bit about what you are doing you can try almost all the disiplines at southern counties. They have trap,skeet and sporting of all types. If you feel nervous about going the first time just let me know and I will go over there with you,its my local ground!

You could also try southern counties near Dorchester. Anthea Hillyer is a great coach and once you know a bit about what you are doing you can try almost all the disiplines at southern counties. They have trap,skeet and sporting of all types. If you feel nervous about going the first time just let me know and I will go over there with you,its my local ground!
Take him up on this great offer Marcus....

Take him up on this great offer Marcus....
Well Jen I thought I should at least offer a bit of help.I can still remember that approaching shooting knowing nobody in it can be somewhat daunting! Let's face it, one is going to a place that is unknown, to do something which is unknown, I was certainly nervous when I first had a lesson. I was very lucky to find a very nice club with good instruction and later some fanastic mentors,without these things some people will just leave the sport almost before they have started,I've seen it happen!

I was very lucky to have lots of offers of company, advice and have made so many friends...so I wholeheartedly agree...


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