New classifications (from 1.12.13)

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Just read a fair bit of this thread, and got to be honest not totally sure of most of it!! I used to play a fair bit of golf and when I started playing the club comps etc some of the members were telling me not to drop my handicap to quickly, as there were a lot of cups etc to be won. But in my own mind that's all I wanted was to play golf to the best of my ability, and with time, working on all the aspects of the game, hopefully my game and game management would improve and be more consistent. When I got back into shooting that's exactly the same way I approached it. Yes I did give myself a goal of single figure golfer, and AA sporting shot but it's not something I worry about!! Concentrate on your shooting and let the averages take care of themselves.

I agree, the classification is nice to have to see a record of progression but ultimately when I shoot in comps, I don't try to win my class, I have good intentions to win overall...

Concentrate on your shooting and let the averages take care of themselves

Best advice you will ever get

Yes for a couple of years I realised that there was little realistic chance of me going up a class, so my goal was to average 80%.

The grade system is a series of ticks in the box on the way, it is not in itself 'the only goal'.

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Remember the good old days of open shoots with no classes and the top six scores win on the day

Ho there were actually two classes , novice and open job done !!

Love the progression, you enjoy more the more you win, otherwise you wouldn't enter comps. You would just shoot local with mates. We all try to do the best we can, but winning along the way does make it more enjoyable. IMO

Love the progression, you enjoy more the more you win, otherwise you wouldn't enter comps. You would just shoot local with mates. We all try to do the best we can, but winning along the way does make it more enjoyable. IMO
totally agree especially when you take a few big scalps
Love the progression, you enjoy more the more you win, otherwise you wouldn't enter comps. You would just shoot local with mates. We all try to do the best we can, but winning along the way does make it more enjoyable. IMO
Hmmm.. Winning is only ever for a few, by definition. I like the classification system because you can set your own goal and go for it, regardless of everyone else. If you start off with an average of 40 it is superb to aim at 50 then 60 and so on. The biggest reason I shoot registered shoots is because the score 'matters' , because it is recorded and forms part of your shooting record and progress. It is an added bonus element if you are also going for wins in class or HG.

Not joined CPSA yet, i was waiting until after Christmas tbh, and until my shooting has improved, do you have to shoot so many Registered shoots per year etc to get clasiffied?, and what are the advanages of each classification? Its not just all about it?

do you have to shoot so many Registered shoots per year etc to get classified?
You will need to shoot a minimum of 300 registered targets (per discipline) within a given classification period to receive a temporary classification for the remainder of that period (if you want you shoot further comps with a chance of winning class honours).

If you only shoot one registered comp during the period you will not get a classification for that period and that single score (rightly or wrongly but that's another debate) will dictate your classification for the next period.


Remember the good old days of open shoots with no classes and the top six scores win on the day

Ho there were actually two classes , novice and open job done !!
 Steve that's I think it should be as I would be in Novice (you know cos you have seen me shoot), the current system is to open to abuse as my classification shows AAA to B I am NOT that bad. :hunter:

Steve that's I think it should be as I would be in Novice (you know cos you have seen me shoot), the current system is to open to abuse as my classification shows AAA to B I am NOT that bad. :hunter:

You will be in AA in December. You only did two ESP shoots, (one drops off) so an AVERAGE system does not really have enough data to judge you properly of course. It just shows that there ought to be a minimum number of events (at more than one ground) before anybody gets classified IMO.

Steve that's I think it should be as I would be in Novice (you know cos you have seen me shoot), the current system is to open to abuse as my classification shows AAA to B I am NOT that bad. :hunter:
Sorry, me again.. :)
Don't understand your comment re AAA to B. you have been A, A and AAA over the last three periods. So where is the B class? And the system does not allow you to go down more than one class at each grading anyway. (So if AAA, the lowest you can possibly go next time is AA. Or maybe to A. But you can't go straight from A to C for example).

I am looking at ESP btw.

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Sorry Clever I thought I had dropped into B? I must sandbag harder! But I have proven it is open to abuse? Fromm

AAA to A is a bad enough drop to ensure you win something is it not if that's what you are after?

Beretta World winner A class? Winner of the Mitsubishi car unclassified yet shot for England?

Oh and I have done a lot more unregistered events where my score does not count! So you can blah it.

Oh and I have done a lot more unregistered events where my score does not count! So you can blah it.
Yes, I think you and others (meaning to or not) get strangely graded when they don't do many reg shoots. Hence I go back to 'must do a minimum amount and at different grounds' or it is nonsense. And if they have not done that, then they should not be able to use a class grading at any event, major or otherwise. You can't just pitch up for a major tennis event or many other sports events without being eligible first.

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