New trap gun

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john faul

Sep 5, 2012
Hi lads

I currently shoot some DTL and ABT recreationally.

Last saturday I scored 90-264 and my best has been 96-280. and abt 77 and 84

I normally shoot at informal clays with friends and at un registered shoots.

Im hoping to get more involved in the registered shooting here in ireland

The gun I use Is an old perazzi mx8 55k serial no. with 29 3/4 " barrels.

I know a few experienced shots and they seem to be of the opinion that I would be better off with a 32" barreled gun If I want to improve.

With their help I have raised the stock with a comb raiser as the gun was shooting flat. or to rephrase better the stock was low

I have used a 32" kemen and I shot 5/5 with it and It felt nice i know its not much but just shot a few at the end of a shoot.

Im 6ft 3" if that makes any difference.

I have been looking at kemen km4's at around £2800-£3000 and a fairly fresh perazzi mx8 at £3100 but this has 30 3/4" barrels.

I have had a miroku 38 30" years ago and I did like it but I cracked the stock while out foxing ( i now have a seperate gun for this) and took a dislike to it and baught the perazzi.

I have been suggested that I should find a good coach before I do anything but there hard to find here in Ireland.

I would like to anyones opinion and take on this please and what upgrade they would reccomend if any all feed back welcomed.

Also Im looking to get a new shooting jacket/ skeet vest has anyone any views on the musto ones?http://www.williamev...~1298304619.htm

Many thanks in advance john

There'll be more qualified people along with Trap gun advice but ref the jacket I've had the long sleeved version for 5+ years and it's been excellent, so good in fact that I just bought a new one in a different colour on offer for £90 at John Norris. :cool:

I have the jacket also, they are pretty good, John Norris always has a sale, pity the poor guy that ever buys something at full price.

Get to a good shooting ground and try a few guns before you make any decision about parting with cash, if they don't want to let you try then go to another ground.

Your height won't make much of a difference to which gun you prefer and shoot better.

I am 6'4" and get on with 32" barrels so does my mate who is 5'7".

Yes, as was said previously, go to a good cpach BEFORE you do anything. As for barrel length, well I have proved thast it possible to miss with any trap gun, be it Miroku, Beretta, Perazzi or whatever, as for barrel length, well each person will hasve their own preference. Barrel length alone will not always make the job harder or easier, barrel weight and the balance of the gun comes into play in a big way. The only gun I ever owned that I could shoot well with at DTL, ABT and O/T was a Miroku 3800 30inch trap. All the other guns I've had seemed to only suit one thing or another, so a 682X was great for DTL, but all but useless for ABT/O/T etc. I had a DT10 that was great at O/T, not bad at ABT, but a total disaster for DTL. It is possible to have a 32 inch gun that feels light and handles very quickly, it is also possible to have a 30inch gun that handles like a fully loaded truck!

Please get some proper advice before you do anything, there are many "helpful" people at shoots and gun clubs, however such people may not be truly well qualified enough to help you, even though their intentions may be well meant.

Totally agree with everything les says. Partictlarily agree re dt10 for dtl way to fast for dtl unless your a very lazy shooter. Cant go wrong with any of the 682s however my view is that the early gold are the best all round gun for the money beretta ever made, i had 2 in early and mid 90s wish i still had one of em.

Mk38 in a 30" or Perrazi 29.5" worked well for me through the years. These are my two favs. :eek:

I suspect you would suit 32" barrells although not having seen you shoot it's hard to say. As others have suggested, don't buy a new gun or make any changes to your game without first seeking the advice of a coach.

When it comes to DTL or ABT there's really only one coach worth seeing. If you PM me I will pass you his details and contact number.

thank you for all the replies I will definately take the advise on board Im oing shooting saturday so I might try out something different

Mk38 in a 30" or Perrazi 29.5" worked well for me through the years. These are my two favs. :eek:
Which goes to show that some guns that handle like scaffold boards perform very well for a few. .

going into hiding now :p

Which goes to show that some guns that handle like scaffold boards perform very well for a few. .

going into hiding now :p
Well takes win big........ :) but someone has to do it


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