New UT format

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Ah but will there be bonus points for those who can shoot their round even faster? I mean really is this what shooting has come down to lets see how fast we can make people shoot their rounds... by logic if there is a will to make it some sort of race why not just say you are allowed only five seconds to make your shot on pain of point deductions ... et voilà an easy 13 min round cut it to three seconds... you get the drift. Shooting is meant to be a pleasure pursuit is it not?

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sounds more and more like some kind of sporting stand to me. Not a great lover of UT as many of you know but even less so if this is to come.

I am out.

At the start of the day shooter 1 calls his target, ref then calls targets on pegs 2,3,4,5, shooter 1 then calls his 2nd target, ref then calls targets on 2,3,4,5, and so on until all pegs occupied; equals 50 wasted targets on each of 4 layouts being used = 200 wasted clays, who pays for them ? = the man behind the gun !

3 referees per 4 layout ground @ £ 65 per day £780, even more if relief referees, who pays ? = the man behind the gun !

Who pays for the computers ?  at the end of the day = the man behind the gun !

Disruption ! every shooter must check & sign scorecard before exiting layout, score disputed ! = delays / disturbed line  = rest of line held up !

Individual score cards ? Score cards going astray ?

Closed covers at various grounds where does snake congregate ?  line already shooting disturbed by next shooter getting to peg 1,

Waiting in snake in pouring rain / extreme heat ?

FITASC need to listen to their members, this is an ill thought out idea that was not welcomed by Helice, is not wanted by UT shooters, & will only encourage people to sign up with FEDECAT for Trap 3 or Trap 5, FEDECAT must be over the moon !

All the negative aspects aside, if they allow the brolly girls I'll make the trip just to have a go.

And that scheme has so many potential pits that it'll be massively entertaining for the non-shooters

I like the bunny girl idea, its got legs

No pairs, five singles from each of the five stands shot consecutively.
Seems I misunderstood the above to mean a shooter shoots five consecutive targets on the same stand and then moves on. Hadn't appreciated that for shooter 1 (and all subsequent shooters until the line is full) the ref has to call off all the empty pegs before you shoot again. Sounds like a waste of clays to me?

OT here we come :)


Steve Dawkes was one of the UT Tech Comm delegates in Italy. You should've asked him yesterday at Rugby how the test event was operated.  There's a lot of misinformation floating about.

Steve Dawkes was one of the UT Tech Comm delegates in Italy. You should've asked him yesterday at Rugby how the test event was operated.  There's a lot of misinformation floating about.
True dat! Although he did seem rather busy fending questions from people most of the day. You spoke to him. Was he in favour or not?


I wouldn't want to misinterpret him. I've suggested to him that he joins here to scotch any rumours about what may or may not happen to UT and how the 'snake' system is proposed to work.

Who give a toss what one man thinks should these sorts of decisions not be formed on what the rank and file shooters think about the new format... and I am not talking about international championship winners I am thinking the club shooter who make the whole institution work. International competitions are absolutely nothing without the punters back at the clubs paying to shoot their rounds of UT.

Would be beneficial to have a BICTSF point of view on what's proposed for selection shoots next year....

I wouldn't want to misinterpret him. I've suggested to him that he joins here to scotch any rumours about what may or may not happen to UT and how the 'snake' system is proposed to work.
Sounds fair enough. We shall wait and see.


It would be interesting to have a take on what is thought of the idea down here in France where UT is way more popular than in most of the other trap shooting countries of the world. I have not heard a word said about any changes down here to date but that could be because I have not interacted on that particular subject. I will make a point of trying to gauge opinion on the subject as any change here affects 45 clubs in our league alone... in France in general the number of licences affected will be will well into into the hundreds not just a hand full of shooting grounds. Personally I think it would be given a cold welcome the French hate change but who knows? One thing I will say is I have never heard the discipline criticised as it stands at the moment and in our league, a fraction of the total, more than 400 shoot it every weekend.

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if know the French they will barricade Calais at the first sign of a UT Snake

if know the French they will barricade Calais at the first sign of a UT Snake
Well we have been saying for years that they are revolting :)

Seriously though if it is going to devalue their enjoyment and maybe increase the cost of shooting the will not be happy about it. It is difficult though to try to argue about things until you actually know what is going to be the final format for the new UT But bearing in mind there is not a lot wrong with the present format it will be interesting. What would be nice to know though is if changes to the format a obligatory? I don't see much changing of the are not because in terms of the number of people who actually enter international competitions and those who shoot local and inter regional comps there is no contest. I think there would be a large stay away from most of those who might have thought about the trip. As to a world championship held in Morocco... I don't think that one is going to be popular at all what do you think? 

Sorry Greg

In a bit of a hurry posting that last night :)

Point one  Why change something that is not broken and may cost more to shoot?

Point two It is difficult to argue for or against a format nobody really knows yet.

Point three. Are FITASC going to remove their licence to shoot the old UT format.. they own the intellectual property rights. One assumes they could remove the right to shoot it?

Point four. On the four days that the world champs and the Euro champs were on there were more people shooting club comps and training down here. In other words FITASC are putting a great deal of thought about the way UT is shot in major championships that more than 95% of the UT shooting public are totally unconcerned about... have they even thought about what grass roots shooting thinks about the format?  This leads me to believe that if FITASC do not remove the right to use their format and computer technology for UT as it stands most clubs, down here at least, will not adopt the new format as the shooters are happy with what they presently have .

hope this make more sense.



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