Noise complainers

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Done with pleasure. Shame the original petition specifically refers to Motor Sport, but I'm sure any ensuing legislation would have to broaden the scope to include anything noisy.

Tank driving ranges, gliding clubs, not to mention Shooting Schools of course.

With 100 000 signatures it would get aired in parliament but in today's times i expect that the 'rights' of just one person will still outweigh those of an established operation.

Seems you can step off a plane at Heathrow or the ferry at Dover and bleat about something, anything and everyone falls over themselves to accomodate you. The days of 'common sense' ( if you don't like church bells then why would you buy a house next door to the villiage church? ) are long gone!

The principle behind the petition is I suspect how a lot of people would like things to be, 'if you don't like it then go somewhere else' and on that basis alone it is highly unlikely to gain any legal status. :(

Still I've signed it.

I has at least a chance of being aired in parliament,one for clay grounds never would so all we need is precedent for a sports venue that was existing to win out over a noise complaint.

Donnington had major issues with this.

signed and all my family have signed to , fed up with people complaining after they have moved into an area be it a shooting ground, motorsport venue, or school ---- yes someone complained about to much noise coming from a school playground after moving in !!!!!!!

There is also a very similar petition in place for people that relocate into the proximity around a live music venue.  It has around 30% more signatures currently.


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