Noise complainers

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Too many people are too idle to participate in e-petitions or they don't get found.  Only 30k people out of all the motor racing fans and shooters etc - very poor response IMHO

If you read the response it seems that there are a combination of rules and guidelines that effectively let them do what they want according to the circumstances!

Motor Racing gets special treatment but only after they have made all reasonable effort to reduce noise!

If folk don't like gun fire then live in a city.

If a noise was there before you ie gun fire, engines, or anything else one can imagine and you don't like said noise then don't move next door to it. Simples.

Ruddy tree hugger city folk should be banned from living any were rural.


That's it. ruddy city folk are now on the list.

I can recall a plonker buying a house right next door to a social club, then complaining of noise. The club ended up having the entire wall on the same side as the house, soundproofed,  paying for TRIPLE glazing to be fitted at the house and cutting the opening times of the club. After 5 years the club went bust and closed. This club also provided daytime facilities for the elderly, a youth club for the and was a social part of the village. Nobody in the village would stand up to the complainant, until it was all too late. Gone, the lifeline for that village,  due to one mans' greed.

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If folk don't like gun fire then live in a city.

If a noise was there before you ie gun fire, engines, or anything else one can imagine and you don't like said noise then don't move next door to it. Simples.

Ruddy tree hugger city folk should be banned from living any were rural.
From what I see in the news there is just as much gun fire noise in the city. Although most of it is at night. Lamping perhaps?

The kennels i use for my rescue dogs is out the way just off a busy road. they have one neighbour who got the farm house next door at a very reduced price as it is adjacent to the kennels and the noise from the dogs can be heard a lot of the day. And no has decided to start complaining about the noise and having his fireworks displays in the field next to the rescue block. massive pleb.


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