OT England selection

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No mate we have no reg trap in Lancashire and only one none reg ground with dtl and abt that I can think of. Closest reg dtl is Yorkshire or North Wales. In 2012 I shot Lancashire abt championship I'm Northumberland. Go figure.
Ha.....so much for all the Olympic legacy crap then!!! We have fewer grounds now than we had before the Olympics a couple of years ago. I can't see that the Olympics has done anything for most of us who shoot in this country. It doesn't look as though clay shooting has very much of a future left in this country, unless you live in the right place and you have the right amount of money, or unless you are prepared to travel far and wide! The odds seem stacked against anyone trying to start a new ground,mainly due to the noise and pollution issues, not to mention the fact that GUNS are not popular with the general public!!! 

Well Les my old friend, there is only one thing for it. You'll have to become a hedge monkey....!! :)


Very very interesting comments, with reference to the lack of Trap shooting facilities and lack of steering of Committees.

Committees and sports are only as strong as their membership. There are numerous Trap clubs that only see the few regular faces, Trap sadly is a discipline that has been allowed to decline due to apathy amongst its participants.My local Trap club still has the same lady refereeing most lines who has been doing it for at least twenty years, congratulations Gill Grearley , but where are the youngsters to assist her? In years passed BICTSF luminaries have lived less than thirty miles away and yet have never been to participate or support.

Having Treasurers and Secretaries role being done by one person usually indicates that the committee is small and of a weak construction.

Having a Chairman that is not dynamic usually ends with the winding up of an organisation .

Is the sport of clayshooting in such a poor state that BS can spring up from nowhere and govern the sport within just a few years ?

If you get on as a Director soon....you can ask the question and may get the answers

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The downside to getting in as a director is the fact that he will then be bound to silence by the directors' conduct rules!

The downside to getting in as a director is the fact that he will then be bound to silence by the directors' conduct rules!
Not quite sure why you would expect silence from a Director who has been elected to represent 'us' the members. Only certain things would ever be considered confidential such as staff wages or data protected members details....etc

These are not Directors in the formal sense when comparing to salaried Directors of a limited company where they would have undergone a selection process in a competitive environment and where they would have clearly defined 'skill sets'. Our lot are just well meaning amateurs with as of yet 'undefined skill sets' for the majority


           When the ballot papers come out soon in PULL you will be able to read about my skill sets and why I think I am an ideal candidate for a Directorship of our wonderful Association.

But  of course it will all be down to the membership to vote, I just hope that whoever becomes a Director does a very good job of improving our sport.

Sadly it does appear as though apathy is the blight of clayshooting. 

I heard recently that once Southern Counties is no more, there will be no venue left in the UK that is capable of holding an ISSF trap championship!!! Surely that can't be true.......or can it? 

I heard recently that once Southern Counties is no more, there will be no venue left in the UK that is capable of holding an ISSF trap championship!!! Surely that can't be true.......or can it?


Well both have four good covered layouts so I don't see what SC had that they do not.

Here is a thought, bit off the wall but here goes.

What if after the Olympics and the commonwealth the brand new grounds created to host the events at great expense were saved for future use instead of being demolished we would then have a fantastic ground in England and a fantastic ground in Scotland in order to host issf events etc etc.

I told you it was a mad idea just thinking aloud really.

Well both have four good covered layouts so I don't see what SC had that they do not.

Here is a thought, bit off the wall but here goes.

What if after the Olympics and the commonwealth the brand new grounds created to host the events at great expense were saved for future use instead of being demolished we would then have a fantastic ground in England and a fantastic ground in Scotland in order to host issf events etc etc.

I told you it was a mad idea just thinking aloud really.
Mad??? No not at all mad Ian. If such thing had happened at least we would have had some of the so called "Olympic Legacy"!!! What would be even better would be an indoor clay range like they have in Germany, no noise issues, no pollution issues, no shot fall out issues, no weather issues either!!! Why on earth have we not got such a thing in the UK I wonder? That place in Germany is not just for clay shooting either, as far as I know they do rifle and pistol too. 

And don't forget the uncovered layout for finals.

Oh yeah forgot we need one of those for the hoards of spectators ;)


I am sure they could accommodate a none covered layout if deemed absolutely neccasary, or we could all just peep through the little windows at the back and camera chap could do same.

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