OT England selection

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What if after the Olympics and the commonwealth the brand new grounds created to host the events at great expense were saved for future use instead of being demolished we would then have a fantastic ground in England and a fantastic ground in Scotland in order to host issf events etc etc.I told you it was a mad idea just thinking aloud really.
Would you really want to walk through Woolwich with a shot gun!

PS: don't forget for Bisley

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Not quite sure why you would expect silence from a Director who has been elected to represent 'us' the members. Only certain things would ever be considered confidential such as staff wages or data protected members details....etc

These are not Directors in the formal sense when comparing to salaried Directors of a limited company where they would have undergone a selection process in a competitive environment and where they would have clearly defined 'skill sets'. Our lot are just well meaning amateurs with as of yet 'undefined skill sets' for the majority

Of course I would bow to anyone who can provide better information on the skill sets they have.

CPSA has its own set of rules on directors' conduct and penalty for breach thereof can be expulsion!  

We don't hear much from Joe Kitson since he's been a director!


CPSA has its own set of rules on directors' conduct and penalty for breach thereof can be expulsion!  

We don't hear much from Joe Kitson since he's been a director!
I obviously know that there is a code of conduct...as i signed it.

But the point i was making is that there should be nothing confidential (except Staff wages and members personal details and other similar things). These people are there representing 'us' the members. What could there possibly be that needs keeping from us?

The Director is elected by the members to 'serve' the members...and this means communicating things to them. 

So i do not see the problem with Directors being able to tell us what goes on at the meetings. After all ...it could be any of us doing these jobs.

Silence is not what we elected them for....well those that have been elected. :wink:

This is not the CIA. 

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I have read it and seen how certain directors behave and believe that it has a sinister purpose to muzzle anyone in a minority from publicly questioning them or their motives as one is bound by the collective responsibility of the majority.

Perhaps I'm being unduly pessimistic but I'm not aware of any current or past director who has said or questioned anything publicly such as we do on a regular basis.  That I find surprising.

I have read it and seen how certain directors behave and believe that it has a sinister purpose to muzzle anyone in a minority from publicly questioning them or their motives as one is bound by the collective responsibility of the majority.

Perhaps I'm being unduly pessimistic but I'm not aware of any current or past director who has said or questioned anything publicly such as we do on a regular basis. That I find surprising.
I did it all the time.

Mad??? No not at all mad Ian. If such thing had happened at least we would have had some of the so called "Olympic Legacy"!!! What would be even better would be an indoor clay range like they have in Germany, no noise issues, no pollution issues, no shot fall out issues, no weather issues either!!! Why on earth have we not got such a thing in the UK I wonder? That place in Germany is not just for clay shooting either, as far as I know they do rifle and pistol too. 
My old route to work used to take me past the front entrance of Rolls Royce in Filton Bristol where just opposite was a huge area of land all flattened and fenced off. I used to think "if I had the money i'd build an indoor shooting centre with OT ranges and engineered noise reducers, viewing gallery, cafe etc etc

Oh if only.....

My old route to work used to take me past the front entrance of Rolls Royce in Filton Bristol where just opposite was a huge area of land all flattened and fenced off. I used to think "if I had the money i'd build an indoor shooting centre with OT ranges and engineered noise reducers, viewing gallery, cafe etc etc

Oh if only.....
If you did that there'd be a mob yapping about how you cut off the view!

Has BICTSF signed over the selection to BS?


Piss up in brewery....

So what are the consequences for us troops on the ground ?

So what are the consequences for us troops on the ground ?
Trot around the country paying x amount to shoot in a selection shoot where most of the field have no chance of being selected...because there is no cast iron selection procedure that guarantees ....after you have paid out your money and won your place at the top of the ranking....that you will be able to go and shoot internationaly ....!Under normal circumstances you may or may not get selected...if we look at your (Bictsf) selection or if we decide not to count your (Bictsf) selection

And please stop asking difficult questions asking for fairness and transparency in selection...just turn up...pay your effing money and disappear quick afterwards .....

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Thanks tinker

That's what I thought just wanted clarification in case there was more to it than I thought.

Thanks tinker

That's what I thought just wanted clarification in case there was more to it than I thought.
We are tooooo old to fit any profile....we just make up the $$$€€€£££££ numbers.
Yes I am aware of that, thanks for reminding me of my middle ageness ;)

That may not be a real word but hey Ho :)

England OT team selection info is now on the CPSA website, as is the ABT team info.

So for OT its 3 selection shoots ex 200 for boys and 150 for girls, Best two scores to count.

Best 3 from 4 for ABT.

Glad to help :)



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