Pilla navigation help needed please.. (and outlaw pro opinions)

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Well-known member
Dec 30, 2020
Wow there are a lot of options! Is there an ‘idiots guide’ anywhere?  Also, are the outlaw pro ok?....They seem very reasonable compared to the other ‘reassuringly expensive’ options..

I have bright light sensitivity so I need a dark lens for direct sun (or welding goggles) equally I found my existing light purple lenses lacking in dull woodland so need at brightening lens and then lastly a ‘normal’ lens (currently use beretta race in purple)

I’m looking for an all round option as I don’t intend to change lenses (or chokes) between stands, they sill be set for prevailing conditions at the start.


Sorry, not aware of an ‘idiots guide.
Do you know some shooters with Pilla glasses that would let you try theirs?
That would be the best way to figure out which ones you’ll prefer.

If you have bright light sensitivity, you’ll certainly like the 10CED.
Add a dark allrounder plus one lens for low light conditions and you’re well prepared for most conditions.

The Outlaw Pro is an older model, so that’s why it’s cheaper.
Never used one, so I can’t compare it with my Outlaw X6.

An alternative could be the Rudy Project Hunting/Shooting set.
A complete set for the price of 1 Pilla lens.
Don’t use them for shooting anymore after I bought the Pilla, but still use them for other sports.

Only reason I went for Pilla is that the temples are a lot flatter, so no/less sound leakage with my Sordin Supreme Pro X.
The temples of the Rudy Project are quite thick, but optical performance was very good.
I really liked the laser copper lenses.


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Not Pilla but from Castellani web site

TRANSPARENT: -  The best choice to protect your eyes from wind and dust.  It doesn't add any tone color. Light Transmission 87, 15 %
YELLOW:  -  Highlights orange clay targets, enhances contrast in low light or overcast conditions. Light Transmission 82,25 %
CLEAR ROSE:  -  Offers incredibly crisp, clear vision by incorporating precise technology that filters out blue light to increase contrast, this lens is the choice for low light conditions.  Light Transmission 75, 04 %
ORANGE:  - Excellent all around lens for orange clay targets. Blocks haze and blue light, and enhances the orange of the target.               Light Transmission 53, 55 %

LIGHT BROWN: -  Light reducing, giving good definition of orange targets. A good all-round lens for shooting orange targets on bright glaring days with open background.  Light Transmission 48, 37 %

H.I. PINK:  -  Our new color for 2014, fantastic when shooting orange and black targets. This lens darkens the sky and fades out the green background. We suggest to wear it 5 minutes before shooting, allowing the eyes to get used to the color.                                                                 Light Transmission 46, 43 %
VERMILLION:  -  Terrific lens for shooting against green backgrounds. Works well for those with red-green colour deficiency. Highlights orange and dampens green.      Light Transmission 46, 20 %
RED:  - Inspired by our Vermillion lens we studied a new stunning color (traffic light red) that guarantees max contrast and definition.               Light Transmission 35, 06 %
LIGHT PURPLE:  - Provides excellent contrast of orange targets against green background or sky. It dampens the green and enhances the orange target against trees.         Light Transmission 41, 18 %
DARK PURPLE:  -  A great lens for very bright conditions. Provides contrast of orange targets against a deep blue sky. An excellent lens for glare reduction and snow.          Light Transmission 20, 79 %
GRAY:  -  a neutral, or "true" color that allows the wearer to see all colors as they are. Gray shooting lenses do not enhance the target, but they are good in bright sunlight. Light Transmission 18, 03 %
DARK BROWN:  - Light reducing lens for bright, glaring days with an open background. Great for picking up brown hues when hunting game birds.        Light Transmission 15, 25 %

I’ll tender this. The idiots guide would be to go see someone who isn’t an idiot in these matters.

That person would undoubtedly be @EdLyons of Flint & Partners/Ed Lyons Sports vision.

For a good few quid Ed will tell you more than you could possibly hope to ever find out on your own. Not just finding out which colour lens is right for you, bu prescription specific to shooting if required, eye exercise to improve your vision, special tests to discover how you see targets and what you can do to improve. He’s helped world champions and weekend warriors  alike.

Or up you could as I guess most of us might, just suck it and see and keep trading lenses until you find what you ‘think’ works for you.

By the way... I make this recommendation not by any commercial allegiance or even customer loyalty as I’ve actually yet to go see him myself, delayed for various reasons.

But such is Ed’s reputation, it really speaks for itself 

For what it’s worth . a few months ago I bought 2 pairs of ZS sport glasses ( the modern incarnation of the Zeiss Sport shooting style but now made by Menrad ) . They were prescription but that’s just what I needed , plain are available . I got one light purple pair , and the other a yellow which goes to dark brown as it’s a photochromic lens . I’ve been using the second one all of the time lately it’s so versatile. They are also anti rain anti reflective coated  . The photochrome is available on all the lens colours I think , and that might just be the ticket for for you RJD . Personally  I think changing lens colours between stands is a recipe for disaster , but having a set that brightens on dull  days , and responds to bright light I never notice the change . Last Saturday on a driven day , I put my specs on at the shoot hut at 8.30am , and didn’t take them off until around 3 when we packed up .  ps They are also supremely comfortable to wear , and don’t interfere with my Sordin ProX ear defenders . 

Thank you, this is really very helpful indeed.  

Some brilliant advice here!

I like the photo chromatic  idea for convenience/simplicity/laziness..

I don’t really want to be trading lenses as that sounds like burning £50 notes..

I have heard great things about Ed, but, I’m not looking to get too involved with eye exercises etc, I have a history of making hobbies like work by try to get to top level (golf, fishing amongst others) and I need to keep shooting as a release not another ball ache, I have plenty of those..

I might give the Outlaw pro a go for the price (125 for 3 lens)

Go to pillasport.com they have an idiots guide which I used!  It can show you what the lens looks like when looking at various backgrounds.  As they others said, it’s all individual choice but I found it really useful.  One I would recommend is the 62CHCP, med-low light yellow glasses.  Really good for this time of year. I had a practice on Tuesday and couldn’t see the black rabbit clays, went back Thursday, same targets same type of weather conditions but put the 62CHCP in and could see everything, black, orange, green and blue targets.  The only thing I didn’t see was the huge piece of clay that hit me smack in the middle of my head causing it to bleed profusely!  

Thank you, this is really very helpful indeed.  

Some brilliant advice here!

I like the photo chromatic  idea for convenience/simplicity/laziness..

I don’t really want to be trading lenses as that sounds like burning £50 notes..

I have heard great things about Ed, but, I’m not looking to get too involved with eye exercises etc, I have a history of making hobbies like work by try to get to top level (golf, fishing amongst others) and I need to keep shooting as a release not another ball ache, I have plenty of those..

I might give the Outlaw pro a go for the price (125 for 3 lens)
As long as the colour works for you they will be fine,great fitting glasses just tech is a few years old so no chromashift etc

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