Proxy Vote Attendee Needed for Ex AGM

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Provided that people have clearly marked YES or NO or WITHHELD in respect of the resolution, that will work.

People should be careful in respect of the open proxy part - be careful to either give this to someone you know and/or trust their position, or specify that it shouldn't be used by deleting the relevant text.

For those who wish the chair to cast either their specified YES or NO or WITHHELD vote, I would strongly recommend that they do not also allow it to be used for other, as yet unspecified, business. As it is given to the Chair, we don't know who this might be at the meeting - whilst I'd assume Tony Heeks who is currently acting Chair, we don't know.

Thank you to all who have done their vote.

To everyone else.....Please don't waste your chance to keep your vote.


Was all the remaining business concluded at the AGM apart from the issue of new articles?

If the new articles don't go through then there will be a need for a Vote for Chairman and presumably resolution of the vacancy for an East Midlands director, which by the way, I would have thought that they could have conducted a ballot of the members ready to announce at the EGM!

I will do a proxy and do as you suggest as it's a long way to go from Devon just to get wound up!

If the articles do not go through, there will be a vote for chairman. The EM director position is, i gather, contested and so there will be a ballot for members in the eight counties in the EM.


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The East Midlands Position has been sent out via postal ballot to all East Midlands members. It is between Clive Hames and Philip Simpson - the closing date for votes is October 11th so hopefully the successful person will be announced before the EGM. The region will then be properly represented and should there be a vote for Chair the EM Director will have the opportunity to put themselves forward.

I know Clive but do not know Philip so will have to do some investigating before I make my vote :)

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Ok......this is for all who want to vote on the resolutions for the new articles....

I am 100% against these articles because they take the balance of power away from the members. I want the right to vote for the CPSA I have had for the last 25+ years.

I WILL BE VOTING AGAINST these articles.

I have completed my form below as an example of an 'OPEN' no vote..!!

Please do not throw away your form which comes in the white envelope containing your Pull magazine.

Apathy is killing our association and rights.....use your vote one way or another.....PLEASE...!!

1. It is essential that you cross out the two lines that allow the Chair to have anything at all to do with your vote.....because he is 'for' the resolution. (See the two thick black lines on my form). By crossing these two lines out he will not be able to use your vote on anything ELSE that may come up at the meeting. He does not know how can he vote for you????

2. It is essential now that at the next bit, on the second part of the form, that you complete the name of your proxy holder. This is 'NOT' a ballot..! If you do not have a name completed your vote is then void and will not be counted...!!

You will see on my form that I entered the name of the Kent Committee Chairman Mr T Greenwood....and his Cpsa number 82758.

I have spoken to him and he is happy for anyone who does not have a proxy holder or know a person going to the use his details. He will carry your proxy. So you can copy these details to your form. Can you please take a photo of your form when completed and send it to me on i can send it on to him. it is important that he knows how many and who he is carrying proxies for, so that at the EGM he can check against HQ's records....before the check that the numbers tally.


If you want him only to be able to carry your proxy on the resolution only....and not to be able to use your vote for anything else that may arise at the EGM ....then you can cross out the line in the section below his name that says.....'My proxy may vote or abstain on any ancillary or procedural resolutions put to the meeting'.

You will see that I have left this open on my form because I trust him and have the same views as him.

3. You have to make a vote . If you are against these article put a cross in the box labelled 'AGAINST'

4. Now finally you have to sign and date it and post it ......FREE....back to HQ......(after you have sent me a photo to pass on to him for listing ....please..) When you take a photo you can cover your address like I have done in the attached picture to keep confidentiality.

I hope this helps anyone who wants to vote 'NO' with the filling in of the form.

Please do not waste your vote....!!

Thank you so much for doing this Nicola

I to wanted to vote NO and I will be using Mr Greenwood (very good of him)

appreciate this, best regards, Graham

Nicola, on the form it says enter members reference number?
What are you on about ? Have you not got a form with your name, adddress and cpsa number at the top?

The form sent will not ask you for any 'reference number'.

Can you send me a copy so i can see what you are on about.

What are you on about ? Have you not got a form with your name, adddress and cpsa number at the top?

The form sent will not ask you for any 'reference number'.

Can you send me a copy so i can see what you are on about.
If i recall, i think the online versions ask for your CPSA number ... 

I will check again just to be sure


Nicola, No I do not have a form with my name and address and CPSA no on it!

It says CPSA ltd, Proxy form etc etc.

I will send you a copy tomorrow morning, thats all I got?

Siyreel and others ...please dont confuse the sample proxy form that you received in Pull magazine in September issue with the actual one that will come in your October issue that has only just started being posted.

You might not have received it yet.

It will come in a white envelope and look exactly like the one i have posted on here. It will have your own details on it.

Hope that helps.

Siyreel and others ...please dont confuse the sample proxy form that you received in Pull magazine in September
Guilty as charged, until I realised it looked nothing like the one Nicola posted :)


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