
Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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Double the distance - Treble the lead

A 20 yard crosser at 40mph needs about 3 feet of lead.  A 40 yard crossed at 40mph, needs nearer 9 feet.

Not an exact science of course, unless you know shot velocity, distance and speed of target and its angle...then it is an exact science!

Also, the problem with pull away, is having the confidence to keep pulling...the brain tells you the gap is too big, when it isn't.
Thanks Skeet, that'll give me something to work on. I'm usually fairly good on range finding, always looking for trees and bushes the clay passes over for a guide at ground level, see where the trap is where the clay is landing etc. Like Will says lead isn't always the problem, judging line can be hard as well, but I just need something to set off from at the minute. Even if I just half or chip one it'll give me something to work with, it's just soul destroying missing them all and then still not knowing how or why you missed them.  Thanks folks 

If/when I find I target that's catching people out I put a straight edge eg part of a empty car box out at arms lengh to see drop or rise of the clay because sometimes the ground or background can give a optical illusion,but lead is achieved differently by different people so whatever the distance is can only be worked out with experiance .

If you realy want to measure and give yourself a headache look up unit lead,a technique I have seen mensioned on a usa forum. 

I used to worry about range, but that all ended when I got 32 inch trap gun for all disciplines, when I miss,  its something else fundamentally wrong, but I can defiantly rule out range. 

interesting point this , i hear alot , thats 70 or 80 yards away but when you pace out to the killing point it shows it at 45 to 50 yards 

i think more inportantly is as will says the lines are critical at distance and even more so when the clay is off a big tower , then it can get interesting , more me as a setter i mean , hahaha

All very complicated I just shoot the bastard thing.

Don't get too hung up on range it is the smallest part of the lead equation 

I've learnt never believe a man when he tells you how much lead to give . If he tells you a foot he probably really means an inch!! 

It will look different to every person depending on method used, gun speed and perception. 

A guy with swing through could break a bird shooting at the front edge, a maintained or intercept shooter could see 2-3 feet.

play your own game!

I'm terrible on distance stuff at the minute, anything out to 40-50 yards I'm pretty much OK give or take a few. Anything 50 plus and I'm dreadful. Just don't seem to be able to gauge the lead. All the distance stuff at the essex masters I missed the lot, never even sniffed one. If anyone has a formula for gauging range, do you have a formula for lead estimating to go with it? I shoot pull away method if that helps any.
Book yourself a lesson with a good coach, will save you in the long run!! 
