Well, this may sound sorta mystical but here it is. When I'm shooting really well, an event of note these days, everything runs on automatic. My conscious involvement with shooting the target is about zip. There are strange times when I somehow realize that I've made a bad move and not on the target and I have to make some, hopefully, successful correction. I'm guessing that happens when I engage before the target is visible. Or the wetware stutters or something. I really don't know but fortunately that isn't frequent. Otherwise I call for the target and am really consciously aware of it when it breaks, or flies on as they do. I'm sure that a hard focus on the target is the key but it all happens so fast that I really don't seem to be in conscious control of that. And that "fast" term is only relative to internal me. I just don't seem to have the ability to record all the intervening events.
If I try to watch the target and do that analysis of angle etc what I'm usually doing is watching a missed target.
and that only applies to trap. And first barrel at pigeons
I am in total admiration of people who can just cruise along on a target and then even tell you what they did. Absolutely completely beyond my comprehension.
good luck on trying to make any sense of this