As the other good shooters on here have said, go to a decent open or registered shoot, you will find the shooters helpful (if you want it) and friendly. You soon get to recognise the faces as we all seem to go to the same places! Just a good morning etc as your walking to stands and people will respond, get to know you and will give you the time of day.When I told my RFD where I was shooting, now I understand the comment he made "You'll learn a lot about shooting there".
I didn't find the shoot particularly hard, but not easy either. Certainly within my current ability. Thinking back there was nothing that was a real challenge and at my stage I expected to be severely challenged, so I guess that speaks volumes.
My local shoot does a non competitive 50 bird on Sundays that has me working harder.
Methinks I just picked the wrong place.
Old Glossop clays runs a 100 bird registered every few weeks which is not far away. Perhaps that should be my next step.
You don’t need/want to shoot with idiots like that, not only that, if you to go to the “easier” shoots, you never learn to shoot the harder targets and when you do venture out it knocks your confidence.
I used to go to a “club” shoot twice a month and shot it very well, was always top lady etc then you get brought down to earth with a bump when you do eventually venture outside. Personally I would prefer to only do 1 good shoot per month than several little shoots where you will not learn anything apart from how to deal with ignorant idiots like that.
You could always ask on here when going to a certain shoot if anyone else is going and to meet up, as we’ve said before, we are quite a friendly bunch! Good luck.