The future after Dubai

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cyril....the MINIMUM cost per head where we went for the banquet is £100 a head and they really piled it on last night..... the figure being thrown around was $1 million and tbh it wouldnt surprise me if it was pretty close to that figure...

Money is no object for the guys financing this event.. This is the start of something big and exciting in clay shooting and will be massive next year. I personally will be saving up to go as I believe it will be something not to be missed.

2 questions.. 

1. will Nad Al Sheba be free again or was this to entice people out there 

2. can people really see people paying £500 to enter competitions and seeing the same people winning each time?

It can't realistically be expected to be free again next year.

People have paid upwards of £2k to go there this year, so yes why not. If it was held in the UK it would cost you less than half that to get involved.

The people who win the meaningful amounts deserve to do so, if this kind of reward became the norm the same old people would soon find themselves competing against some very hungry wolves rest assured. Money will bring outside attention which is what we need.

It will be hard to get on the list, it will go massive if this one goes well. Count me in, better get practicing gun down!!

Thankd Don,  I'm not quite the idiot that some would believe! but then what would I know? :crazy:  

I wouldn't get too excited about these events becoming popular.

If we held one here in the UK with a free ground , free cartridges from a manufacturer, free clays and 600 entrants paying £2000 each we would still have a shortfall in funding.

Hammy your post reminds me of Jerry McGuire's mission statement. Very interesting to see how it all goes though. If only I had a spare couple of grand and some ability.

Hammy your post reminds me of Jerry McGuire's mission statement. Very interesting to see how it all goes though. If only I had a spare couple of grand and some ability.
. I am sure you can come up with the spare couple of grand, it's the ability I am worried about!!!
Money is no object for the guys financing this event.. This is the start of something big and exciting in clay shooting and will be massive next year. I personally will be saving up to go as I believe it will be something not to be missed.
This disadvantage for shooters in this country is that these events will almost always be held overseas. There are few, if any grounds capable of handling the numbers requred to make these events pay.

Regardless of whether this event delivers on the target front as well as hospitality, I predict that there will be more along the same theme in other countries, if not here then in the USA without a shadow of a doubt. No way will they stand back and be trumped when it comes to shooting.

Dubai is proving that there is huge demand, solidarity and goodwill towards mega events that will propell clay shooting into the limelight and the 21st century. I predict BIG events with meaningful prizes down to 30th with cars as well as cash for the top 3 will become annual events, what's more I predict entry fees of £500 will become commonplace and readily understood/accepted. Events catering for 1000 competitors over 5 days with entry fees for non competitors (to fund raffle prizes) will attract full entry from across the world and sponsorship will not be too thin on the ground.

I also predict that in order to cope with the entries it will need to be based on a mixture of target types as Fitasc does not lend itself to fluid organisation or the numbers which you need to make it self funding.
You couldn't give me the winner of the 2.30 at Kempton Park tomorrow could you?


No according to my predictive text i cant spell it either :)

If this is deemed a success - and it looks like it will be, they should have no problem getting sponsors. The sheik along with the Dubai sports, and possibly tourism council are putting up the investment for the future of the event. Thousands of people have flown in, paying for hotels, restaurants, and maybe taking in a holiday. Seems a good investment. There are niche sporting events all over - with similar prize money, ad they seem to survive.

At worst, this raises the bar - which can only be good.

I suspect there will huge interest next year, and they limit who can participate.

As an example of other successful niche events - this is one my brother in law participates in.

Yes -$1m - for pigeon racing. It is in the arse end of Africa too - in it's 19th year. It hardly even qualifies as a spectator sport.

The Dubai event will have no problems.

And yes, pigeon racers are a bunch of weirdos :)

I disagree with Hamster on the future of this type of shoot! I don't think that anyone else will copy it or take it on.

Yes it has superb prize money, hospitality and razzamataz but the shoot its self will never outdo some of the World C/ships & European C/ships for quality of targets.

In the 90's the targets were of a similar hardness but you had terrain! Andorra was a fab shoot as was Thiers (3 times)

Pan African at Victoria Falls, I could go on and on. Every one of these shoots had background you could use to judge the targets by.

No other organisation could put up this kind of money or funding, good on his Highness for doing so. The publicity for clay shooting generated by this shoot can only be good for rhe sport.

I doubt anyone other than some clay shooters like us will know anything about it and it won't be reported on over here other than in our sport magazines - a shame but fact I'm afraid.
