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Jul 1, 2014
Hi everyone don't no if I should take both my beads off as I keep double checking for lead with them ,I have blacked out front bead but still not great ,what do you think ?

As an almost newbie on here can I warn you that you might have just started a re-run of a much debated subject!

Have a search for 'bead', it brings up quite a few threads

Mind you only today while shooting I had this conversation with a BASC instructor about my shooting style! 

To bead or not to bead, that is the question. I know there's a whole lorra Alpha male kudos to be gleaned from ripping the beads off guns and hanging a small towel from your left hip :cheese:  but bead watching is not the fault of the bead, we just have to know how to focus on the target and keep barrel/bead very much secondary in our peripheral vision.

I'd start off with Chippy's suggestion.

Oh for the love of jaysus! It's a personal thing, I don't have a bead, others do, I prefer the clean line of a rib without the intrusion of a 'orrible little bead!

For the love of Dr Doolittle.....It sure is....true story..

How can you consider wether to carry out such an expensive and irreversible gun mod so lightly. Second best gun mod after a good fit and much cheaper

Tried with tried without tried red one tried white one tried brass one and can report i can shoot good and i can shoot cack with all scenarios.

To bead or not to bead, whatever as hammy says look at the target, job done.

At the Gamebore Cup, my head was loose. It rotated on each stand, intermittently showing me the white bit, then the black side,then white again. This is why I missed a lot.

At the Gamebore Cup, my head was loose. It rotated on each stand . . .

Any bead, whether one or two, should only be used to check that you are seeing the right amount of rib and/or the rib alignment to the eye, before the bird is called. The only thing that should be looked at once the target is off is the target itself!! Well that's what I was always told.....................just saying!!!!

way ha! lets get it going properly, You must look at the clay, the gun must shoot where you look...........hmmmmm

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