If you have a mid bead and an end bead then what you should see if you dry mount the gun is a figure of eight made by the two beads. The front bead being slightly higher than the mid bead to make the figure of eight. Practice your "dry" mount at home indoors and swing so that you can preserve this figure of eight throughout and to generate muscle memory.
Out in the field you have to look for the clay and focus solely on the clay but you will be able to see the figure of eight in your peripheral vision so that you can give the clay the right lead as you think it should be. If the figure of eight is not there or is skewed then your gun mount is not the same each time and you will have misses due to incorrect gun mount rather than incorrect lead or incorrect assessment of the angle and speed of the target,
Remember that the gun is your tennis racket and you would not look at that when trying to hit a tennis ball would you? You eyes should be focussed on the tennis ball and your brain tells your body how to move to hit the ball.