Useful tip to retain Binocular Vision when Shooting if you shut one eye

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my master eyed changed as i got older and i ended up making it a bigger deal in my head than i think it was in reality. after trying marks on glasses, closing eyes and red dots. I eventually took everything off the barrel even the original bead. Now i forget all about master eyes and focus on completely focusing on the target. Which hopefully then appears as a nice big orange dustbin, then just wait until i can see it properly.

I think i caused myself more problems by letting myself become obsessed with eyes. just my experience.
You said it. Nicola said it. Complete focus on the target.

As Ed Solomons says there are other ways to deal with eye dominance issues,
Surely the cheapest and most effective method would be to ask a friend to poke you in the eye before you shoot.

Surely the cheapest and most effective method would be to ask a friend to poke you in the eye before you shoot.
The cheapest way that I know of is to close the dominant eye, its painless, but does lead to a loss of binocular vision and therefore loss of distance perception.

Getting a mate to poke you in the eye is quite painfull, could lead to a distraction due to the pain, isn't really a repeatable fix, and still leads to a loss of binocular vision, and you'll owe your mate a favour!

I've only ever once seen a cross over stock, that was recently on an expensive gun for sale at Kelbrook. A cross over stock is a masterpiece of stock making, but is bespoke to the shooter.

Shooting off the corresponding master eye shoulder is probably the best solution, but it doesn't solve the problem if you are trying to shoot your dads gun, or you've been shooting for ages and your dominant eye changes due to age or stress. Learning to shoot off a different shoulder is doable, but not enjoyable.

I genuinely can't remember how long I've used a Uni Dot for, but it's well over a decade. I've recommended the Uni Dot to dozens of other shooters over the same period, as far as I'm aware they are all still utilising the sights and many have returned for additional sights for replacement guns, additional guns and friends.

A Uni Dot sight costs around half the price of a slab of cheapish cartridges, a small price to pay for a cleaver piece of technology that could easily save its purchase cost at the practice clay ground.


I will say once again......."NEVER" look at the barrels.......if you want to be a good shot.

If you just want to ping on a Sunday.......then look at whatever you wish.......if it makes you happy.

I can guarantee that no top shot looks "AT" their barrels.


Because they would be dooooooooooooooooomed!!

I find just squinting a bit suits me but only on L-R targets.

As for the Uni-dot or similar Ummm! When you see the dot the gun is in the right place to the eye! . Two things spring to my mind- Firstly the person is not mounting the gun correctly in the first place, Secondly the gun does not fit. Either way you are adjusting yourself to the gun un-naturally to 'make it fit'. However they may benefit some people who shoot maintained lead on certain targets, and are looking from target to rib/bead to 'gauge' the amount. To me anything that draws your eye to the barrel/rib is not going to help in the long run. Look at the target!!

I find just squinting a bit suits me but only on L-R targets.

As for the Uni-dot or similar Ummm! When you see the dot the gun is in the right place to the eye! . Two things spring to my mind- Firstly the person is not mounting the gun correctly in the first place, Secondly the gun does not fit. Either way you are adjusting yourself to the gun un-naturally to 'make it fit'. However they may benefit some people who shoot maintained lead on certain targets, and are looking from target to rib/bead to 'gauge' the amount. To me anything that draws your eye to the barrel/rib is not going to help in the long run. Look at the target!!
If you are looking at the target then the rib then the target etc etc then the gun will move in a staccato fashion and you will most probably miss behind or you might just jerk in front and miss in front. Whatever "method" you shoot you should be aware of the gun in your peripheral vision but you must always be focussed on the target. You never need to look at the bead/rib in order to gauge lead. As Nicola says you will be doomed to failure.


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The message is loud and clear, look at the the target and only the target which is quite different from target shooting where you must not look at the target but only the foresight! The eyes cannot focus on both as they don't have sufficient depth of field. One must therefore have absolute confidence in the gun fit and in raising the gun to the correct place each and every time as one must not apparently check that the eye is in the right place over the bead. It's then a question of swinging the left hand towards the clay and letting the trigger off as the barrels/rib pass through the clay allowing for any lead.

It's quite difficult trying to put it into words. I suspect that more often than not I am "aiming" like a rifle which also accounts for the stopping without any swing through and therefore missing behind as by the time my trigger finger gets the mesgae from the brain the clay has long departed where it was!

Why the hell do they fit a bead if it's not right to use it apart from first fitting the gun?

Many thanks for all your input on this which is so strong that I know what I have to do next time I go out

Why the hell do they fit a bead if it's not right to use it apart from first fitting the gun?
I'm told that the bead gives you a reference point in your peripheral vision but I never see it. I understand that Richard Faulds removes the bead from all his guns and if he doesn't need a bead..........

I have never used a bead, Ben doesnt use a bead, and several others dont. You shouldnt need one...

I don't bother removing them....and in fact with the new Mrs P that did not have the 'idiot bead' in the middle....I actually had it put back on.....!! (Laughs out loud).

Force of habit you see. The only time I ever saw the bead was when mounting when I liked to see the figure of 8 for correct position in shoulder. Of course this is only on a pre-mount before I go on the stand. Once you are in your set do not think about it.

Stop mentioning looking at the beads I have just got rid of that habit.

Even if I fitted a Unidot sight it would be no good as I have more or less central vision so the little dot is there but so is the side of the unidot sight as my eyes overlay the image.

Now if I point at summit with my right finger it goes to where my right eye is looking, so I can shoot most targets without a bit of tape on my glasses, I have been trying this over the past few weeks now I am away from my bead looking days. The little bit of tape on the specs sharpens up the gun image for me, do I want this probably yes, but will it make me look more at the gun rather than the clay or where it's going so I probably don't want it.

Plus for the 3rd time remember..............



(If you want to be more than just a Sunday pinger (wink)......!!)

I will say once again......."NEVER" look at the barrels.......if you want to be a good shot.

If you just want to ping on a Sunday.......then look at whatever you wish.......if it makes you happy.

I can guarantee that no top shot looks "AT" their barrels.


Because they would be dooooooooooooooooomed!!
Nic, if I even consciously see any barrel/rib at all I will miss the target as sure as god made little green apples! I may see it subconsciously perhaps, but I am certainly not aware of it, unless I'm going to miss that is!!!! The same goes for lead, I don't see any at all, lets face it, to see lead you must also see, or be aware of the muzzles and where they are!!!! I know a lot of skeet and sporting shooters see lead and muzzles, but a lot of trappies seem not to, particularly those of us who shoot the fast stuff! Having said that, I have also spoken to some skeet and sporting shots who also see no lead. It was once a very hot subject around the gun clubs, but I think it has died out a bit now though. Has it?

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I think you wont be aware of lead in tap as you arent needing to give it much, and what little you do is done largely by gun speed.

You might get away with "seeing no lead" at sporting with club style targets and a bit of swing but try putting 18ft on a long battue by pulling away as you pull the trigger! You have to "see" a gap on lots of shots, some presentations more than others.

I think you wont be aware of lead in tap as you arent needing to give it much, and what little you do is done largely by gun speed.

You might get away with "seeing no lead" at sporting with club style targets and a bit of swing but try putting 18ft on a long battue by pulling away as you pull the trigger! You have to "see" a gap on lots of shots, some presentations more than others.
Well Ed you are far better qualified on sporting than I am, therefore I believe what you say mate!

I think you wont be aware of lead in tap as you arent needing to give it much, and what little you do is done largely by gun speed.

You might get away with "seeing no lead" at sporting with club style targets and a bit of swing but try putting 18ft on a long battue by pulling away as you pull the trigger! You have to "see" a gap on lots of shots, some presentations more than others.
I don't see lead in feet at those targets I see it in 5 bar gates

The odd time I shot abt or OT (only once I might add!) I shot "at" them, but the gun speed made sure the gun was in front at the point it went off.

I don't shoot with much gun speed at sporting so leads are much more noticeable and repeatable.

I don't bother removing them....and in fact with the new Mrs P that did not have the 'idiot bead' in the middle....I actually had it put back on.....!! (Laughs out loud).

Force of habit you see. The only time I ever saw the bead was when mounting when I liked to see the figure of 8 for correct position in shoulder. Of course this is only on a pre-mount before I go on the stand. Once you are in your set do not think about it.
That figure of 8 is the only thing I use the beads for, all my guns have had two beads on them, even if they were not there as standard. As you say Nic, it's force of habit and without the mid bead I could never be sure of correct position in the shoulder or to the face. Yes I know about muscle memory etc, but the beads are just to make sure as far as I'm concerned! Old habits die hard. :wink:


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