videos of our gundogs

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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2012
I thought I would start a section were people can post any vids of there dogs working or training... Off you go.

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this is one of a dummy going over her head, should I be bothered that she turns to mark it or just accept it as it is as long as she remains steady. ??


this is dummy thrown to her left, sent out on arm command. Keep trying one either side but she sometimes well generally picks one and takes it to the other instead of delivering the first one.


the one thing I am very happy with is her delivery which is always bang on. She will deliver direct to hand or a sat delivery as above if asked too.

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busy little things. :)

David, how do you keep them hunting so close ??

It all starts when they are very young. I get them playing a game around my feet on grass just long enough for a ball to almost disappear in to when dropped. Lots of repetition and they soon learn the game of hunting close to find a ball. Then move to ground with scent on it so there's something natural to get them interested and then keep progressing

I done far to much early retrieving with Harry so to encourage his hunting I didn't restrict him and he now take more ground than I would like. I'm at a stage with him now that if he fails to respond to a turn whistle then I'm out on his case giving him plenty of verbal. It's not easy has he can be bloody minded when he thinks he knows better.

One you first video above, you throw the dummy over the dogs head and she get up and turns around. I'd have gone and put her back and collected the dummy myself. I'd then have repeated the exercise again. At this stage your wanting 100% compliance with what you've asked for. 

Sit her up so she's looking at you. Throw the dummy over her head, it's not a problem if she looks over her shoulder but you want her to remain sitting looking at you. You can now use this to build to a get out vocal and hand signal. Once she's happy you can put more distance between you and the dog then build to calling her towards you, stopping her half way as she comes back to you and then sending her back.

great info David, I wasn't sure if it was ok that she turns I will work on it



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Great working dog, beutiful to see the conection between you and the dog.

thanks Mikael, its been a long road as I am inexperienced and have used positive training methods but were getting there now, I think ?

been working very hard to get her steady and even harder on a solid stop to whistle, here we go.


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