What will you do ?

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As a moderator I don’t like to interfere. I’m all for promoting discussion but on matters shooting. The clue’s in the name SHOOTCLAY!

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"Football?  22 millionaires kicking a bag of wind round a field"  - a rough quote from Guy Martin.

But I don't see why they are being singled out as bad guys?  If someone offered you or I a million quid to do something we enjoy, why not?  And plenty footballers give money away and do charitable acts, and let's be honest, they are rich because the paying public enjoy watching them play.

If you want to have a go at a group of individuals who take more than they give, there are better examples than elite sportsmen.  I bet Amazon are making a killing doing home delivery at the minute, and how much tax do they pump back into the system?

Back on topic.... All non essential workplaces are shut, so how come all gun shops are closed even if they do a mail order service? I got a new gas barbecue delivered this week...  is that any more essential than a new stock?

But a valid point none the less... Its not their fault the market pays them that, not really cool to want it all to fold cos its not fair though... Boo hoo!

Anyway, back on track, are any grounds still open in the UK? 

In the UK there seem to be so many numpties carrying on as almost normal, that sensible people can't do sensible things, and must be seen to be doing exactly what they are told to do. And most gun shops and shooting grounds are run by sensible people.   While it may be 100% safe to have a self managed trip round a fully automated layout, the ground is closed to set the correct example - and no doubt to avoid criticism of those who do not know how safe and isolated it can be.   Probably those same people who queue to get into the busiest shops three or more times a week. 

There was a post on here about how police have confirmed it is OK for farmers to carry on shooting vermin.  How was that even a question???  Does anyone think the farmer needs to take a bus round the town and have a group therapy class before he shoots a fox taking new born lambs?  Sense seems to be forgotten and we resort to the letter of the law and seek clarification rather than acting responsibility. 

The "stay at home message" is clear and concise and we all need to abide by it because of the lowest common denominator who are too thick to act sensibly. 

"Football?  22 millionaires kicking a bag of wind round a field"  - a rough quote from Guy Martin.

But I don't see why they are being singled out as bad guys?  If someone offered you or I a million quid to do something we enjoy, why not?  And plenty footballers give money away and do charitable acts, and let's be honest, they are rich because the paying public enjoy watching them play.

If you want to have a go at a group of individuals who take more than they give, there are better examples than elite sportsmen.  I bet Amazon are making a killing doing home delivery at the minute, and how much tax do they pump back into the system?

Back on topic.... All non essential workplaces are shut, so how come all gun shops are closed even if they do a mail order service? I got a new gas barbecue delivered this week...  is that any more essential than a new stock?
All non essential work places are not shut. We are manufacturing non essential product. Still forced to work. Or go on sick for £88 a week. Boss states he will not furlough us. We are making stock to get ahead when this is all over. No seriously. This is of course in accordance with government guidelines. But it's morally wrong. Just in it for the money with no regard for us.  Maybe we made the non essential barbeque you just had delivered. Putting how many lives at risk. ???


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All non essential work places are not shut. We are manufacturing non essential product. Still forced to work. Or go on sick for £88 a week. Boss states he will not furlough us. We are making stock to get ahead when this is all over. No seriously. This is of course in accordance with government guidelines. But it's morally wrong. Just in it for the money with no regard for us.  Maybe we made the non essential barbeque you just had delivered. Putting how many lives at risk. ???


please don’t take this the wrong way, but would you rather be working now, or have the factory closed and possibly not have a job to go back to. If the company shuts down  because of the virus, the overheads still have to be paid bank loans rates rents etc.. with no money coming in how do they do that? 
Its a tough call for someone to make and I doubt that they would put money over staff health but you may think otherwise 

I hear you . But , with the greatest of respect, I'm working there not you . The boss is reckless to put it mildly. The company WILL not fold. It's part of a bigger picture.😉


And as previously stated. If it's ventilator parts or the like then it becomes a different story. 

However this is not. It's absolutely non essential.  So the conclusion is that we're expendable. Cannon fodder. 

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Sorry to be the voice of question, and I'm only playing devil's advocate now for the purpose of balance, although I hugely realise many will think I'm a douche for raising this point,... but wasn't the football talk (unbelievably dull as It was!) pinged for not specifically being about shooting?? I've been a popular forum admin before so I know it's not a walk in the park, but how is coronavirus chat any different? 

(no offence meant to jasper or jonz, by the way) 

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Well the topic is what will you do now all shooting is stopped. Well I'm trying to stay alive and keep others alive and not overload the NHS by staying at home and watch netfilx. But my employer does want to help in this matter. Hence the discussion. 


No offence taken. 

Absolutely, and I'm just playing devil's advocate in that the conversation just went in a certain direction organically before being sort of officially sanctioned (even though I tried dragging it back to shooting myself... Twice! 😄) and I'm just not sure what the rules are anymore, what is on and off limits since neither are actually to do with shooting? Felt a little like some were getting a slap off the teacher for doing the same as everyone else.

It went that direction because the national sport has also been hit by this, nothing else, even if you can't abide it. The news quiz threads are consistent and popular (and fun!), yet they're not about shooting either. Very strange. 

Hey ho. 

And you do sound like it's a sh*t sandwich you've been dealt jasper... Understand why a company wants to stay in business but that's fairly extreme under the circumstances. Two sides to every coin I guess. 😕

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I'll give you an idea of my bosses thinking about all this and then I leave it. I'll try post something more joyful later. 😁

So we hear every day the horrendous daily death toll of this disease. My boss thinks that most of them would have died anyway (without Corona) because they are old , infirm or already have health problems . Nice right? 🤔🤔


Stay safe


To be fair, he's probably not far off, it has accelerated the demise of many on bought time but joyfully we now live in a world of social media and huge speculation & subterfuge which can make anything look like whatever it is you're trying to achieve and equally hide reality. Like everything else nowadays, mortality figures for regular flu, cancer, heart illness, pneumonia, etc. Are tucked away to make this current problem look bad but that doesn't mean we should be capitalising on it to make a profit. 

Sad times. 😕

Pretty much what one of my colleagues when working in a Nurses house was told by her, seems everyone who's dying at the moment and in hospital it's from Covid19 ?

The ICTSC have cancelled the Home International and pushed it back to 2021, again in the Republic of Ireland. Undoubtedly the right decision given that no national teams are being selected. More information is on the CPSA website.

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So the topic is what will you do.

I'll tell you what I won't do again. Go shopping at Morrisons. Like a cattle market in there tonight (6.30pm) Letting too many people in.

And my thoughts about the general population have been once again confirmed. Either most people are living in a cave , miles from anywhere with no TV or radio.

Or they are a bunch of *******.

Social distancing . Don't make me laugh. 

Hope their bogof Easter eggs were worth it. 

Absolutely terrifying.


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So they are discussing the start of sporting activities, hopefully it won't be too long before we can start again by observing  distancing guidelines.

If football/rugby/cricket or in fact any team or contact sport  can start in any form safely  it would be difficult to argue against individual/ non contact sports. resuming.

Last time out was under these rules before the total lockdown so it can be easily done for individual sports like ours. 

Plus there wouldn't  have the risk of people gathering to view on TV as with professional sport. 

Stay safe everyone. 


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