Which east Midlands ground

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Active member
May 24, 2015
Thinking of getting out now that the national lockdown is over. Which is the better ground of the below?

East Midlands shooting ground 

Lowes lane






Cheers jamie

Might depend on what you’re looking for.

Of the ones mentioned, I’ve only been to Kibworth a few times.
Certainly enjoyed it each time, but if you want to spend a whole day I would recommend to go to Sporting Targets.
Not sure if you’ve excluded this ground for a specific reason.

The best " ground " out of these in terms of facilities and range of targets / disciplines is doveridge. the ground is huge and has lots of different sporting stands so you should find something you like. And a shop onsite. 

If you are looking for a comp then the consensus is that garlands is the best. Of these.

Big Ben has been saying lately how good kibworth is. Haven't been myself for a  while. Also has a shop onsite??

You could also try kegworth for a reg comp. 

Not been to any of the others. 


I’ve shot two from your list, kibworth and doveridge, I enjoyed my time at both and would say both are worth a visit. 

as someone else mentioned, sporting targets is also worth a visit. 

I have visited the following grounds for practice only and have listed them in my preferred order. Note I rate target setting over high end facilities.

1.Doveridge - Large rolling ground with good facilities. The site has a high tower section to practice your game shooting as well as the Valley where  the competition standard targets which are changed frequently. There is also some simpler stands  for novice practice at the far end of the ground past the 3 skeet layouts.

2.Kibworth - Large flat site made up of lots of earth bunds to separate the stands. Very good facility as has training / novice stands as well as a regularly changed sporting layout. Some of the shooting positions are from the top of the earth bunds to allow you to practice shooting down at targets. Skeet / compak/ sporting layouts as well as Air Rifle ranges. Well worth a visit to the very popular ground

3.East Midlands shooting ground - Flat site nr. M1 Mway good targets  as well as skeet / compak.  Facilities very basic. Claymate system.

4.Lowes lane - small flat site suits someone who does not want to walk far. Shooting area surrounded by earth bunds. Skeet and compak also as well as sporting available Cheap day on a Wednesday at 26p per clay. Claymate system.

5.Lakeside - I have not been recently to this ground but did visit when it first opened. The the ground was made with spoil left after excavation of the fishing lakes. The spoil was arranged in bunds and you shot the targets from on top or from within the bunded area. A mixture of targets inc. High Skeet which was interesting. Claymate System.

6.Garlands - I did not rate this ground. The round was caddied but the layout was poor. I have not attended any competitions there when my experience may have been very different.

