Why trap? (Not taking the p*ss here)

Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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Well - ultimately, it *could* be for me to decide, but I'm not threatening to close a topic. Just saying that even you, must be getting bored with saying the same thing over and over again?

the end point of any discussionn is not for you to decide unless it becomes abusive or threatening it is for the particpants at the time to decide thats the point of the forum surely ??
We dropped hints that we had had enough, Matt said you had got boring, then he explained himself and still you dispute the matter!!!!!!

the onus is not on me, you have as you have just stated the right to close or lock a thread or post,  the point you seem to be missing is that NO ONE HAS TO REPLY  to the posts in reply to my comments. I can think of a number of people on here who repeatedly bang on about the same topics and with little or no humour or levity.It IS NOT FOR YOU TO DECIDE THE RELEVANCE of the topic or its attractivenes to the Forum members that will be decided by them ,they vote with their posts. I really dont see this as an issue but you seem determined to make it one and I have no diea why.

Robert as an adult all you had to do was not respond to the posts simple as that,,thats how most threads on here are terminated,its called natural selection

sarcasm does not really become you Matt, however thats your choice, I seriously fail to understand how grown adults cannot just make a judgement call and not respond to a given theme or topic as they do with many threads on here

I will not carry on as you say I have made my feelings clear as you  also , plainly did the fact that we disagree is unfortunate, thank you for discussing your feelings and rationale  of your thoughts with me the matter is now closed as far as I am concerned

Good morning campers.

Thank you to all for the overnight input. I hope everyone will read it like I did....with no emotion on either side ......and just as two / three people's point of view.....who were bored or not bored.

Could I mention that I am not bored by any comments on this trap thread (I always find them quite funny - remember Tarps have extreme mental concentration techniques and do not let much get to them).

I do get very bored on some of the others though. But thank goodness for Matt putting the ignore button in.

So back to the thread now.

Tuesday was ....I thought..... Tooooooo cold for trap or anything else...!!

I only managed 2 rounds of OT (coincidentally both 20's) and then ran for the club. The sun was out, and it was not in the minus figures, plus after not shooting for about 10 days....the muscles in my arms were aching.....???

I fear I am becoming a southern softie.......or I am getting geriatric...........!!

So 'old people' out there.......what should I do to keep my 'bits' working properly for trap. (Please don't reply with things like the gym or excersize because I am not good at either.....plus it cannot be something that removes alcohol either.......apart from that....fire away).

P.s. Matt....info for you. The online user is back (on the iPad) it is showing as 63 online and shows names. Also the Array has gone back to names.

But iPhone is still showing Array.

Hope that helps.

Yep - thanks - slowly but surely... I updated here earlier :

I saw it...but could not reply to tell you that the online list was now showing.

Just a quicky re-clayclouters posts .......... For the record I took his trap bashing posts as a bit of fun/friendly rivalry between trap and sporters. No offence taken this end and did not consider endless anti trap posts as boring just all good fun :)  #

Just wanted to say in case mr clayclouter thought it was a witch hunt ;)

Just a quicky re-clayclouters posts .......... For the record I took his trap bashing posts as a bit of fun/friendly rivalry between trap and sporters. No offence taken this end and did not consider endless anti trap posts as boring just all good fun :)  #

Just wanted to say in case mr clayclouter thought it was a witch hunt ;)
Everyone knows that tarpies love hedge monkeys Ian! :lol:

Just a quicky re-clayclouters posts .......... For the record I took his trap bashing posts as a bit of fun/friendly rivalry between trap and sporters. No offence taken this end and did not consider endless anti trap posts as boring just all good fun :) #

Just wanted to say in case mr clayclouter thought it was a witch hunt ;)
Agreed. It is a forum and people should start to start reading posts as Tongue in Cheek or informative more than malicious.....

Or we all end up like the 3 monkeys.

Agreed. It is a forum and people should start to start reading posts as Tongue in Cheek or informative more than malicious.....

Or we all end up like the 3 monkeys.
Are there three "wise" hedge monkeys Nic? :lol:

I don't have a problem with any of the members Micky taking or f l u f f y r a b b i t s. Just think several one liner posts repeating exactly the same things 'there all going away targets' etc is just boring childish and pointless and does nothing to further the discussion. It is a good thread apart from this. A joke is funny the first couple of times...

Are there three "wise" hedge monkeys Nic? :lol:
I was thinking along the lines that i could never be a 'Hear no, see no, speak no' monkey.

I also quite liked the 'I have a dream'......mentality.

I was thinking along the lines that i could never be a 'Hear no, see no, speak no' monkey.

I also quite liked the 'I have a dream'......mentality.
Ah, Martin Luther King. A great man who met with a very sad end indeed! :(

I had a go at Trap for the first time on Saturday morning.

DTL, really enjoyed it.  :)

Another member of Notts GC kindly brought one of his trap guns for me to use, a Miroku MK38, very nice. 

I had a go at Trap for the first time on Saturday morning.

DTL, really enjoyed it.  :)

Another member of Notts GC kindly brought one of his trap guns for me to use, a Miroku MK38, very nice. 
Glad you enjoyed the DTL! The MK38 must be one of the most used trap guns in the UK, you really cannot go wrong with one of those. :)

Thanks for the advice Les.

The thing that struck me straight away was how light the 32" barrels felt, being a short arse I imagined it would feel cumbersome but it was quite the opposite.

Could you tell me the difference between the MK38 and the 3800?


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