Why trap? (Not taking the p*ss here)

Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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I dont beleive that anyone can state that any discipline is easy unless you are capable of hitting all of them all the time.

You can however state that a particular discipline is boring in your opinion. DTL is boring IMO but that is what makes it so bloody frustrating and therefore difficult.

ROFLMAO!!!! how interesting the responses are!  at no time have I ever suggested that the disciplines were easy,nor have I ever suggested that I was a good or even a competent shot, nor have I suggested that I have not tried the disiplines I have, I merely pointed out that they are the same type of clay thrown consecutively for a 100 SHOTS 

Read the posts I only ever commented on the clays nothing  else  

I have a wooden cross a hammer and a bag of six inch nails , volunteers any one ????

Self sufficent as I undoubtedly am, the last nail would be a wee bit tricky ??YOU obvioulsy have not thought it through Robert

Hang on there me old chum my post was general reply to topic not to your specific post i would not be so bold as to assume your experience or ability i assure you. As i pay just a general comment.

Regards - Ian

Dammit, I know I shouldn't have got sucked in and I was doing so well.

CC you are correct, trap is just a bunch of going away birds. Fact!!


My, my. Trap fish just keep on biting don't they!!

haha not biting just wondering if our friend clayclouter can actually shoot ! i have shot DTL UT ABT OT ESK ESP HDBD AR this year so do a bit of everything and they all are different,  target and mental wise some are easy some are more difficult target and brain wise !

Isn't it, I'm out in the sun at South Wales 2000, just shot 50 OT, about to shoot a couple of rounds of DT. Happy days!

Isn't it, I'm out in the sun at South Wales 2000, just shot 50 OT, about to shoot a couple of rounds of DT. Happy days!
Yes, nice and sunny in West Dorset too! Bloody cold north wind though, not conducive to good trap shooting! :lol:

Sorry last minute thing, my builder called in sick and couldn't go on on my own so decided to take advantage of the situation!

@clayclouter - I know you're being funny and all, but you need to give this a rest now - it's getting boring.
First of all I apologise for the lateness of my reply to your post I have been busy with   other things and since you made yor comments publicly I will reply in the same fashion

Secondly  I am fully aware of the potential  consequences of this posting should you  find my comments  not to your liking, nevertheless I feel it is important to make a statement regarding your comments

Surely the result of  "Boring" would be determined when people stopped posting replies? not when you personally felt fatigued by such posts

Are you acting/speaking on behalf of reticent group of shooters?

I well aware it is your site and your work that keeps it going, but I dont see boring as a reason to request that people stop posting. I find a great deal discussed and posted on the site trivial and boring, but I defend unto the death peoples right to post such things if that is what floats their boat

I find it disturbing that you feel the need to intervene in something that would have taken its natural course and died a death quietly as these things usually do, "Being funny and all" obviously offends your sensibilities quite why it should I fail to understand

There will always be a "Battle" between Hedgemonkeys and Trappistas, no one  gets killed and as far as I am concerned no one gets personal whatever the level of fluffy rabbits/humour  employed.I find the endless rivalry great fun and a source of a lot of humour, it is so sad you obviously dont see it that way

On a final note the true measure of a forum is that it encompasses and accommodates all views and all interests relating to its topicality or interests and many subjects beyond these areas, the ,members can respond or NOT to any given topic. The word forum in the context of your platform is basically an online discussion site, if all topics were judged on a level of boredom you would have very little discussion going on. your comments are not only subjective and unecessary but more importantly for a man of your standing  unworhty

WHAT is the ignore button for if not for such things ???



WHAT is the ignore button for if not for such things ???
Unfortunately - I don't get the luxury of an ignore button...  so your circular "trap is boring, they all go in the same direction" argument has to be given the same credence as everything else on the site.  After three goes round the carousel, even you must want to get off...

the end point of any discussionn is not for you to decide unless it becomes abusive or threatening it is for the particpants at the time to decide thats the point of the forum surely ??


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