There's very little wrong with the guns, they need a face lift and proper thought in segment placement V price V brand awareness V name kudos etc.I know over the years Zoli was always a producer of guns aimed at the bottom end of the market,is this the reason for the dislike
expressed here for the Kronos etc ?
I`ve looked at the sporter and they seem to handle nicely etc but have never shot one.
Are they unreliable? I`ve heard quite a few horror stories about other fairly pricey Italian clay guns,are Zoli the same ?
You don't see m(any) Koenigsegg hypercars because they are too expensive for an unknown quantity and as yet not as established as other hyper cars, even the idle rich aren't fools.
You can't jump into a market at the quality end without first paying your dues at the starter end. No way round this little business secret in any market be it cars, watches, restaurants, clothes, etc etc. Zoli haven't got a bad product problem, they have a child like marketing grasp.