Bigger Prize Fund....

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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2012
Following on from Steve's post on FB about his mega money shoot I thought it might be time to air the following I have been mulling over for a while....

120 Targets

128 Entries split evenly over 4 classes AA, A, B, C - 32 slots available per class

Entry Fee £100

£1,000 High Gun

Class Prizes 1st £500
2nd £300
3rd £275
4th £200
5th £120
6th £100
7th £75

Which is a £1,570 payout per class - Cash prize for every 4.7 entrants

There is the option of going to 5 Classes which would mean 25 or 26 slots per class but not sure that it would be easy to find 25 or so AAA shooters who would want to play.... 

However if they did then the prize fund across 5 classes would then become

1st £350  2nd £275  3rd £200  4th £150 5th £100 6th £100 7th £75  = £1250 - Cash Prize every 3.6 entrants......

Possibly shot in same ability squads... ie All C Class shooters together etc....though that bit might need more thought...

your thoughts please...
or you could pay the top 28 shooters on the day with everyone off scratch. !!!!!

easier, fairer imo

that's a no then.

he did ask for thought and that's mine, I would imagine that the top folk in each class would be quite a way up the leaderboard anyway unless there is a huge gap between ability in classes unlike trap were lower classes can come good on the day. If the latter is correct then I will indeed

I think that to ask most club shooters to pay 83p per clay just to compete with little chance of a prize is possibly a step too far?

The next interesting test case will be the Sportasc 120 for £89 at West London. Interesting to see the level of take up..

Yippee we now have 3 shoots  74p a clay , 83p a clay, and £2.35 a clay sounds as though the recession may be over. 

This isn't a criticism of the concept as it looks about right if you intend to have good prizes and pay down a good few places but by definition you're gonna have to charge hefty entry fees which is never going to be popular, particularly with the AAA & AA crowd because these are the hardest ones to win. The lower classes are on the improvement ramp and could realistically have a good day, much much harder to shoot 6-8 targets above your average in the top categories and even if you do you're still playing off scratch with the worlds best who only need  1-2 above their average ! 

I don't know the answer but something tells me until prizes are sponsored from the outside and classes abolished (at least for the big shoots), the tribulations will continue. 

As noted already the average shooter can enter 3 separate shoots for the same outlay and still have a small chance of a pay back, Steve's £375 shoot is even less convincing in this regard. 

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This isn't a criticism of the concept as it looks about right if you intend to have good prizes and pay down a good few places but by definition you're gonna have to charge hefty entry fees which is never going to be popular, particularly with the AAA & AA crowd because these are the hardest ones to win. The lower classes are on the improvement ramp and could realistically have a good day, much much harder to shoot 6-8 targets above your average in the top categories and even if you do you're still playing off scratch with the worlds best who only need  1-2 above their average ! 

I don't know the answer but something tells me until prizes are sponsored from the outside and classes abolished (at least for the big shoots), the tribulations will continue. 

As noted already the average shooter can enter 3 separate shoots for the same outlay and still have a small chance of a pay back, Steve's £375 shoot is even less convincing in this regard. 
£375 to shoot???

I think that to ask most club shooters to pay 83p per clay just to compete with little chance of a prize is possibly a step too far?
well with a 4 or 5 in 1 chance of being in the money I think thats rather better odds than at ANY other shoot..... and to be honest with either 32 or 25 entries in each class I would expect those that book in to be those who are at the top of their class anyway ... if you were someone who consistently is at the bottom end of their class then I wouldnt expect you to enter....


Above prize fund and 200 targets for £80 - the best value for money shoot in the uk

Theory is good and I also like the odds. I'd back myself IF I could afford those kind of entry fees. Maybe as a one off it would work but if this became the norm I'd be forced out. Living in Wales we're pretty much cut off so have to travel big miles most weeks. A normal Sunday morning for me can already cost in excess of £100. Take or leave a few quid it's £40 entry, £3-10 pool shoot, £20-25 for cartridges, food at £5-6,  £20 plus In fuel and then £6.60 for the French to allow me back into my own country. It all adds up. 

I find this a big turn off I'm afraid!  I'm not a likely class winner yet but even if I was it wouldn't appeal.  I'm quite happy shooting for honours.  The entry fee will turn off a lot of people for whom this will be too dear.  Happy to pay up to about £40 max including the prize fund element but that's about it.  

As for Ian's comment about just paying the top 28 can he please explain what incentive there would be for anyone to enter from A class and below as it would become a battle between the AAA and AA class people to grab the money!

I never was much of a gambler I'm afraid!
