yeah, lottery prize fund...why not just give out raffle tickets?Shoot german style, no classes until the fat lady has sung,
Then for ease of reckoning, 300 entries = 100 per class.... no sandbagging unless you are very clever, ...
I know what you are saying Will and at the moment I'm there or there abouts at most shoots and have picked up a bit of money since November onwards which hasn't made me rich but I've invested every bit back in to shooting be it towards entries, practice or fuel.C, B and A all work quite well. You start at the bottom or middle of each of them and have your time in the wilderness. Then you progress and make hay. I won a fair bit in my last year in A class. AA is a different matter as there is no limit to how good the top people in the class are. They never get moved upwards, so it's a tough gig unless you can become an exceptional shot.
DanI know what you are saying Will and at the moment I'm there or there abouts at most shoots and have picked up a bit of money since November onwards which hasn't made me rich but I've invested every bit back in to shooting be it towards entries, practice or fuel.
I would though, swap any of that to be shooting at a AA level wether I was winning or not, just to be competing at that top-level would be a privilege for me which is why I'm aiming that high.
Thanks PeteDan
After meeting you at gunsite last week and you saying how you would rather shoot a harder shoot regardless of Score
Also ploughing any winnings into fuel cartridges etc nothing's guaranteed in life but belive me when I say your attitude to succeed will stand you in good stead and I'm sure you will reach your goal ?
3rd overall is a great achievement jamesYup, highlight of my shooting career so far was winning A class and being 3rd overall in a Scottish team selection shoot last year...felt great walking out to pick up that envelop!!!![]()
Dan Answer very stupidThanks Pete
I'm still learning really, but I think I'm doing the right things by using a good coach which has been the best thing I've done, practicing on quality (registered type) targets, getting to as many grounds as possible, and not setting my expectations too high ie I know at the moment an 85 would be a brilliant score for me.
I do try and watch what the top shots do and I've had advice given to me which I always take on board; Mark Marshall gave me a bit of help today, how stupid would I have been to ignore him?
i do belive he's finally got it. Welcome to the world of sporting.that is certainly the correct mindset.
indeed I do it seems poles apart from trap. I just need to shoot really cak for a bit (which wont take much trying) then I can roam around the country shooting a slightly less cack score but still cack by comparison and win huge amounts of cash whilst I stick two fingers up to a couple of dozen better scores than mine who win begger all for there endeavour and who by now are wishing they had remained slightly more cack than they currently are. This all makes perfect sense to me ..... Not.
The poignant element being that sporting is actually interesting and rewarding to shoot. Bugger the classes and potential prizes. Go for it IPS.i do belive he's finally got it. Welcome to the world of sporting.