Sporting Shoots; where- and how was it? (2018)

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Saturday morning went down to Fareham thought try their 70 bird sporting, but due to the monsoon it looked quite and no one to do round of sporting with me, sat around for 20 minutes, and decided to leave. On way back noticed weather was clearing up and sun poked out, so thought, I have full bag of carts so might as well pop into Barbury. just as I started skies opened up and the wind picked up so clays were well lets just say they flew in all directions unharmed. Managed 49/100 by far my worst around there plus added bonus of being absolutely soaked.

Sunday morning weather looked ok so decided to pop into Brize Norton Gun Club, never been there before, but was a nice welcoming crowd, definitely going there again. Did 40 birds as was really busy, had to wait quite a bit for last two stands. Stand 5 was giving constant no birds so given up and just skipped that one. Ended up shooting 27/40, not the best but felt much better than Barbury.

Tomorrow planning to go Ox Shooting School, as not been there for quite some time, hopefully will find my grove and get decent score.

Oh and I did get new gun so partially blaming that for poor performance as still getting comfortable with it 😊

Off today, expected to be elsewhere early but that fell through so it was up off & eastwards for a rare trip to EJC, bright sunny day, cant say warm as did feel a bit of a chill, car parks busy, booked in before 11 & was nr 79, dozen or so scores already on screen. st1 was a going away simo pair of green targets, hit first pair then could'nt / didn't annoying & odd that, whats more I repeated this scenario often throughout the shoot, did straight st11 where I did not expect too at all (fair l-r looper & r-l exocet missile) and as ever thought overall I should have done better, however Im not alone with that one. 

Saw fair few chums & even more hippyish faces, HG when I left (1pm) was 92 so no mega scores in as yet, a few AA & AAA superstars still out shooting so that may well be surpassed. 

EJC for me and my brother as well.  My bogeys are usually sim pairs and driven.  Today we had 5 sim pairs, including a sim pair of driven targets.  Could have been a day for the wheels to completely fall off, but managed to mostly hold it together and even hit 7 of the driven targets (took me three pairs to realise I was in front of the lower one).  Even so, still managed to drop more on the sim pairs than the other stands, so I really need to focus my practice on sims this winter.  Finished on 76, just above my average.

Amazingly nothing on within 150 miles tomorrow. Was going to Grange farm but it's cancelled.
Same here. Nothing within a couple of hours drive that Registered. Off to a local small club and then maybe on to the open comp at Willow Farm.

It might be useful at this stage to point out that Ben is a member of this forum so perhaps a little circumspection when posting might be in order.

Just saying...
Stay at home for me today, the mrs is looking for another car and we’ll be trawling around all the dealers comparing each and every one.... I’m SO looking forward to it....😫

Gunsite today, always good day when ground owner points out that you’ve a little brown envelope to pick up from a recent shoot, say recent it was from May, rocked up before 11 was entry number 115 would imagine very near 200 at end of day. It was a lot chillier than home so coat between stands was needed. Brief cup of tea before one and all fell silent for Remembrance. Was on Tod but was lucky enough to bump into and shoot the course with young Joe Hemmings, a very good shot the chap is, mind you lord knows what he made of my efforts. Bumped into a good many chums, Mr & the in pain but always smiling Mrs Hoskins inc. Shoot wise apart from again having a mega brain fart on two stands of both l-r targets I had a most pleasant day ( did take thick end of three hours to shoot it ) and think, despite two very poor stands did finish well enough that one managed to put a 7 in front which is most welcome.

Martin Myers 96 (I think) was HG when I left but there looked to be a lot of very good shots still on course.

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Bumped into a good many chums, Mr & the in pain but always smiling Mrs Hoskins inc.
Was only smiling because I saw you.   

Owls yesterday missing the rain, Gunsite and Westfield today.  Don’t think I did any of them justice and they were all good.  Still shooting with Lola. 

Gunsite. Myers did  97. Still some mega stars out there when we left at 2.45?😱 . It may well have been dark when they finished. Got home at 4.40. 😡. Which for only one shoot is one hell of a day. Good shoot though as always. 

Very sloppy for an 86. 🤔


Was only smiling because I saw you.   

Owls yesterday missing the rain, Gunsite and Westfield today.  Don’t think I did any of them justice and they were all good.  Still shooting with Lola. 
Smiling, its ditto when seeing the pair of you, do say very well done to Tony for today.

Gunsite. Myers did  97. Still some mega stars out there when we left at 2.45?😱 . It may well have been dark when they finished. Got home at 4.40. 😡. Which for only one shoot is one hell of a day. Good shoot though as always. 

Very sloppy for an 86. 🤔

Indeed it was very very busy, just seen results and seeing names in placings I did not notice it was that busy, as for the dark, some of those shots can see clays like a sewer house rat with reactions of a cobra.

On Sunday I shot at Star Gun club which I never see mentioned on this site, it's a non-reg club near M25 J9. It's open to non-members and you can shoot 60, 80 or 100 clays. It's a nice, spacious layout with club room, food, drinks, all the facilities. Open 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month. I'm still in the doldrums and shot 82/100 but enjoyed shooting in the sunshine after being drenched on Saturday.

Went out to the depths of Mid wales/Shropshire border to Griffin-Lloyd shooting ground on Sunday. Nice array of sporting targets over 20 stands. Drive around the ground to each stand, you need a car with a bit of clearance, 2 seat roadsters not recommended!

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Griffin -Lloyd very underrated in my view. They have some really good high bird style targets. Just watch where you park your car as you go around in case of debris!

Went out to the depths of Mid wales/Shropshire border to Griffin-Lloyd shooting ground on Sunday. Nice array of sporting targets over 20 stands. Drive around the ground to each stand, you need a car with a bit of clearance, 2 seat roadsters not recommended!
Lazy bones, I like to walk the course to the top 😀

Griffin -Lloyd very underrated in my view. They have some really good high bird style targets. Just watch where you park your car as you go around in case of debris!
It’s a lovely ground and very friendly owners. 

On Sunday I shot at Star Gun club which I never see mentioned on this site, it's a non-reg club near M25 J9. It's open to non-members and you can shoot 60, 80 or 100 clays. It's a nice, spacious layout with club room, food, drinks, all the facilities. Open 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month. I'm still in the doldrums and shot 82/100 but enjoyed shooting in the sunshine after being drenched on Saturday.
I’ve only been twice.  Back in the day when it was more exclusive you had to be a member and they would do some shoots open to everyone every so often and it was packed with people coming to shoot.

Griffin-Lloyd is a bit of a hidden gem and a great ground and valley for showing great variety of targets and did hold sporting registered and welsh sporting/fitasc team selection shoots many years ago but sadly now they don't its just open for practice but a great ground to visit all the same along with another ground called Dovey valley outside Machynlleth again used to hold registered shoots but now just practice in a lovely part of Wales .

I’ve only been twice.  Back in the day when it was more exclusive you had to be a member and they would do some shoots open to everyone every so often and it was packed with people coming to shoot.
It's not packed these days although we usually start at about 11:00am so the first rush has gone through. It has been open to non-members for some years now and makes a pleasant change occasionally.

Being non-reg it could be construed as a waste of time to CPSA members OR a chance to shoot with no pressure which I find quite refreshing occasionally.

It's not packed these days although we usually start at about 11:00am so the first rush has gone through. It has been open to non-members for some years now and makes a pleasant change occasionally.

Being non-reg it could be construed as a waste of time to CPSA members OR a chance to shoot with no pressure which I find quite refreshing occasionally.
I don’t subscribe to theses type of shoots being a waste of time quite the opposite.  It wouldn’t be enough me though I would admit but definitely makes a nice change occasionally.  

Up the mountain for me today, a certain mr Kendall has put the targets on, anything will be a vast improvement on the targets normally set. Let’s hope that the South Wales shooting fraternity responds and see what’s on offer today...

Good on you JK for trying 👍

Up the mountain for me today, a certain mr Kendall has put the targets on, anything will be a vast improvement on the targets normally set. Let’s hope that the South Wales shooting fraternity responds and see what’s on offer today...

Good on you JK for trying 👍
So how was it. ??
