I will say as someone who couldnt stand shooting 28g cartridges due to the frankly obnoxious recoil (Pro Ones, Pro Fibre, Sovereigns, Power Gold, Power Blue, English Sporting) I sort of stuck with 24g and was pretty much contempt, but i did always have the worry of being handicapped. I was shooting Gamebore Rose Gold in 24g 71/2 and loved the smooth non existent recoil.
On a whim i ordered a slab of Gamebore Rose Gold 28g 8s and have been pleasantly surprised at the smooth, soft and progressive recoil. It's comfortable and I don't get chucked about or bruised. So worth a punt in my books and although more expensive I would rather pay a bit more for comfort which makes the shooting more enjoyable.
I just don't understand who pays for Hull Pro Ones or Sovereigns in 28g and is happy with that level of punch and discomfort.
That saying, I am 6ft2 and 10.5 stone so maybe once the metabolism has gone and i fill out the weight will act as a recoil absorber.
A side note, the Hull Comp X 21g is probably my favourite cartridge of all time due to its recoil and range such a brilliant cartridge for club shoots.