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  1. I

    Cheap semi-automatic?

    New hatsan escort sub £400 or an older s/hand beretta 301,Remington 1100,see loads at clay shoots if that helps.
  2. I


    very funny
  3. I

    Barrel rust

    Did this on an air rifle barrel once and worked fine, no nasty after effects as Wesley says, very fine wire wool and lots of oil,gently does it though.
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    Noise complainers

    Signed the petition by the way
  5. I

    Noise complainers

    How would you go about doing one of these for shooting grounds ?
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    semi auto info

    All i can say is i'm f***ing glad i don't shoot trap ! And this forum has just lost a member due to the self opinionated idiots that hijack other peoples posts.
  7. I

    semi auto info

    With all respect,The guy that started this thread was after some info about semi autos, the people to give advice are owners of semi autos, if you don't own an auto or are not a big fan of them then you're on the wrong page.
  8. I

    semi auto info

    . Why do you want an over and under rather than an auto ?
  9. I

    semi auto info

    If you're not sure and want a cheap entry into the world of semi-autos you can get a hatsan escort new for under £400, i have just got the newer composite stock model and it comes with a couple of shims and a set of 5 extended chokes,you can't go wrong at that price.
  10. I

    Bought one of them evil Semi-auto things

    Nice gun,got one myself, where did you get the gunslip and how much was it if you dont mind me asking ?
  11. I

    S/G's in Kent Nice shoot on Saturdays and sundays