semi auto info

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Yes that finger groove one, so i have only got a semi ?
That's what I was told many years ago mate. A gunsmith told me that my P gun at the time had a beavertail because of the lack of finger groove things. He said that some people called them round forends too.

I had an MX8 built without ejectors. All went well until Mauro Perazzi gave it his final check at the counter. Must have been the first Perazzi non-ejector he had ever seen and there commenced a conversation in Italian with Ivan the front desk manager which involved a lot of loud expressions and arm waving at the corner of the roof. Anyway extraction is not the same as ejector and catch [it involves much dragging of the shells with tips of fingers] and I soon had the bits refitted. Hope that helps. You just move the right hand from the toplever as you pull the barrels open with the left. Many sporting shooters seem to lack this co-ordination. I was on the practise line at Perazzi in 1991 when I got the tap on the shoulder and was told we don't do that.

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I had an MX8 built without ejectors. All went well until Mauro Perazzi gave it his final check at the counter. Must have been the first Perazzi non-ejector he had ever seen and there commenced a conversation in Italian with Ivan the front desk manager which involved a lot of loud expressions and arm waving at the corner of the roof. Anyway extraction is not the same as ejector and catch [it involves much dragging of the shells with tips of fingers] and I soon had the bits refitted. Hope that helps. You just move the right hand from the toplever as you pull the barrels open with the left. Many sporting shooters seem to lack this co-ordination. I was on the practise line at Perazzi in 1991 when I got the tap on the shoulder and was told we don't do that.
So Fred goes to Italy, upsets Mauro Perazzi, now he is going to upset a few hedge monkeys on here!!!! Well done Fred!!! :laugh:


If you watched football, you would learn how to head your empty cases into the bin........................just a thought !!!

P.S.   C.G. do a very nice auto :preved:

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If you watched football, you would learn how to head your empty cases into the bin........................just a thought !!!
love it :)

Going to try that on Saturday, i honestly am, ha.

Not the auto that's for darned sure, but rather than catch the empties or just let them bounce off my hand straight into the bin i will try to perfect the header idea, 40up can give you a full report on the outcome after sat trial. This could become the must have technique for all future trap shooters. And you my friend will go down in history :)

All i can say is i'm f***ing glad i don't shoot trap ! And this forum has just lost a member due to the self opinionated idiots that hijack other peoples posts.

Well i am sorry if I or someone else offended you.

Seems to me you got some excellent advice and some harmless humour thrown in for free, what's not to like.

Edit for spelling

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it was your extractor post that did it.

All i can say is i'm f***ing glad i don't shoot trap ! And this forum has just lost a member due to the self opinionated idiots that hijack other peoples posts.
Please don't get upset, it really is all in good humour. Much of what you see is just said in jest, its rarely ever serious and often those involved are in reality very good friends.

Ah not so I always fancied a pump ever since that only fools episode :)

Would want one with a release trigger though


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