abt changes alledgedly

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Oh well, that's it then...............................................anyone floggin some golf clubs ?
Not helping yourself ... Keep going.. bet you like maroon and semi autos as well. 


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:smile: Wes the first rule of holes........when you're in one....stop digging!

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Maroon mesh vest, (NOT Italian) Beretta 303 and 391, Remmie 1100 Trap, the list is endless !
bravely spoken

and as to the current state of the game - I can't understand why you people whine about it so much.  At least you have it to shoot.  How much fun would not at all be???

To encourage people to take up ABT and OT they should allow A class use  24g, B class can use 28g, C  class can use 32g  and D class get full use of an auto. .  

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Well I sort of shot the new ABT format today at Rugby as the targets had been set between 68 and 70 metres but the angles had not been reduced. All I can say is... PUT IT BACK IMMEDIATELY! 



was it harder than dtl but easier than ot. ?


was it harder than dtl but easier than ot. ?
Give me OT any day of the week. I score more !

To be honest I'm not quite sure what happened  :huh:  Usually approach ABT the same as OT,UT as far as timing goes and typically shoot slightly higher scores in ABT. No idea what happened yesterday but the slower targets really screwed up my timing (Harry's as well and lots of others were struggling, although a few seemed to be on them). I think I was shooting in front or over the top, certainly on the really low ones.

Needs a revision to timing me thinks, which is what I was afraid of  :unsure:


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Well I sort of shot the new ABT format today at Rugby as the targets had been set between 68 and 70 metres but the angles had not been reduced. All I can say is... PUT IT BACK IMMEDIATELY! 

Shot Degla yesterday with the new rules. My timing went all to pot on the slower targets. Stuck between lrtting them go too much or attacking the too quickly and going through the target. Mind you I only found out after we had shot they were the new settings.   think the same went for others as there were no great scores put in. 

Did 50 OT after and it took 10 targets to settle into them. The speed difference seemed substantial after the ABT. I was behind a lot of them.  Good job we can use the second barrel.

It should provide a step from.DTL to OT.

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Shot Degla yesterday with the new rules. My timing went all to pot on the slower targets. Stuck between lrtting them go too much or attacking the too quickly and going through the target. Mind you I only found out after we had shot they were the new settings.   think the same went for others as there were no great scores put in. 

Did 50 OT after and it took 10 targets to settle into them. The speed difference seemed substantial after the ABT. I was behind a lot of them.  Good job we can use the second barrel.

It should provide a step from.DTL to OT.
Paul - see my edited post above regarding timing. At one point I missed 5 on the trot, as did a few others! Not a clue what was happening?

May be a stepping stone from DTL to OT but the changes may affect the number of UT and OT shooters that shoot ABT in future, for fear of messing up their timing :unsure:

Committee is still out at the moment as haven't shot ABT fully to the new rules...but it's not looking promising.


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oh contraire

if its harder than dtl and easier than ot then that's just what we have wanted for some time Imo.

what's the point of three disciplines equally as difficult ? This WILL attract new shooters to abt particularly from dtl. At Westhoughton gc many years ago we regularity shot 50 dtl 50 abt comps and although abt was faster everyone coped. One has to remember that dtl and abt historically have been in one stable whilst ut and ot have been in another. It is only since they messed with it first of all with the straight line that abt bolted from the dtl stable and joined the big boys stable. It is now on its way back to were it belongs and I take my hat off to those that brought the change.


don't forget that smaller clubs will benefit from increased entries to a discipline that once again is shootable by "club" shooters. Those that want the very demanding targets can join the ever decreasing ot circuit, its a win win.

only my opinion of course.

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Just a general comment.. Why were there 4  ABT Ref shoots on yesterday?  Seems a bit daft as there's nothing else  on until next month when they will prob all clash again. ?

I like the reviews Im reading about this slower abt guys. Might shoot it more often next year.

OT & ABT used to be like whiskey and vodka, tasted different but equally as hard (more or less). ABT sounds like its more like a liquor now, or wine.

DTL is like Coors Light, easy to drink, but you've got to be focused & committed to drink 100 of them.

Then of course, theres this Chinese UT. Which sounds like a Saki/cocaine mix. Easy to lose your mind shooting that stuff.

And Sporting is the equivalent to having a few sneaky ciders in the woods. Good fun, but a little messy & shouldn't be taken too seriously.

I cant wait to go out at the weekend


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