Clay Cartridges??

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On one hand Brook Bank say: "We choose to operate a cartridge restriction Wednesday-Saturdays, when we only permit the use of Hull or Fiocchi brands"

On the other hand, they say: "On Sundays, when we normally host a CPSA registered (trap or skeet) competition, the cartridge restriction is waived/cancelled"

Let's think about this for a moment, shall we?  If noise is the reason for the restriction (and the person who made such claim offers no evidence to back it up), now why is the restriction in place during weekdays, when certainly the volume of shooting there is far less than what it normally in on weekends?  Particularly so when CPSA shoots are going on.

The restriction is incomprehensible and any reasonable explanation will be hard to find.

Sobrepuesta - shootinguru does have a point - CPSA reg shoots you are supposed to be able to use plastic or fibre wad if you like - you just can't go above 28g - in ESP and I think some of the faster trap disciplines the better shooters have to use 24g rather than 28g.  Also if you look at Brook Bank's competitions, there are very small numbers involved.  Some comps having at best two squads participating (10) or thereabouts.

Sobrepuesta - shootinguru does have a point - CPSA reg shoots you are supposed to be able to use plastic or fibre wad if you like - you just can't go above 28g - in ESP and I think some of the faster trap disciplines the better shooters have to use 24g rather than 28g.  Also if you look at Brook Bank's competitions, there are very small numbers involved.  Some comps having at best two squads participating (10) or thereabouts.
Sorry but he doesn't have a point, he simply refuses to see the hypocrisy in challenging the use of certain cartridges during the week but allowing them on what is meant to be the quietest day of the week. Any ground can have any rules as they see fit and nobody has denied that, just don't go thinking people can't see through them that's all. 

It's not about 20p, it costs £60+ a round all in anyway. I would make a point of not patronising such a place..................just so you know I DO give a toss about how I'm treated. 

Shootinguru, I'm well aware of CPSA's ammo rules and need no refresher.  There's little to no correlation between payload and noise.  Barrel length, the burning rate of powder, and the amount of it needed to reach the desired muzzle velocity, have much more to do with how noisy a certain cartridge is.

And while I grant you that I didn't know the reg shoots at Brook Bank were that small, surely the recreational shooting crowd is much larger on weekends (when you're not restricted to ammo brands) than it is on week days.

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I would suggest that you read CPSA rules for registered shoots!
So they do give a toss then, follow the money. It just about answers all of life's little questions. 

Incidentally have they also banned ported guns and those less than 30"  :mellow: , coz they're definitely louder. 

I only wanted to know what cartridges people use, i didn't mean to start WW3 :eek: :D

I'm sure they don't. :)

Did you actually read my post? (Or anyone elses for that matter). The cost is actually pretty far down the list of reasons of why the statement on the cartridge restriction is off putting. If you want to impute bad motives to me then feel free, although it's a tad annoying it doesn't really impact my life or enjoyment of shooting.   

I believe that I have explained my self pretty coherently and eloquently. Your little rant there sums up why I will probably be avoiding brookbanks if you are representative of the calibre of person that frequents the place. 

I made suggestions on how perhaps things could be rephrased to avoid any misunderstandings. I, as well as others, have asked for some kind of information that informs the basis of the ground policy but you respond with thinly veiled personal insults.  

I'm not entirely sure why you are taking this so hard, after all, as you so eloquently put it I'm sure that the grounds won't give a toss if I go or not. 

Also, it's Lord V. Or Lord Vetinari. Not Lordy. 

I only wanted to know what cartridges people use, i didn't mean to start WW3 :eek: :D
Oh do not fret you WILL get used to it.  Just wait until Balltrap and Darkside wake up !     :eek:

On one hand Brook Bank say: "We choose to operate a cartridge restriction Wednesday-Saturdays, when we only permit the use of Hull or Fiocchi brands"

On the other hand, they say: "On Sundays, when we normally host a CPSA registered (trap or skeet) competition, the cartridge restriction is waived/cancelled"

Let's think about this for a moment, shall we?  If noise is the reason for the restriction (and the person who made such claim offers no evidence to back it up), now why is the restriction in place during weekdays, when certainly the volume of shooting there is far less than what it normally in on weekends?  Particularly so when CPSA shoots are going on.

The restriction is incomprehensible and any reasonable explanation will be hard to find.
Maybe it is the local Vicar that is complaining and of course, he will be at work on Sundays  ??     :rolleyes:

I blame holianl

turning into a right trouble maker ?

Sobrepuesta - shootinguru does have a point - CPSA reg shoots you are supposed to be able to use plastic or fibre wad if you like - you just can't go above 28g - in ESP and I think some of the faster trap disciplines the better shooters have to use 24g rather than 28g.  Also if you look at Brook Bank's competitions, there are very small numbers involved.  Some comps having at best two squads participating (10) or thereabouts.
Hey, I only use 24 's nowadays. I am unable to say if they are any less noisy though as all my ears do is hold my Pillas on  !!!  I have learned that a side effect of deafness is the inability to hear   :???:

I blame holianl

turning into a right trouble maker ?
Haha i hope my Fire arms officer isn't a member - i will be refused and banished with 50 lashes :D i never can keep myself out of trouble :angel:

Hey, I only use 24 's nowadays. I am unable to say if they are any less noisy though as all my ears do is hold my Pillas on  !!!  I have learned that a side effect of deafness is the inability to hear   :???:
cant say I have ever noticed 24g being any quieter than 28. Not saying they are not but then again we are obviously at very close proximity and with protection on. Half a mile in front of the gunfire and who knows. !!

Local Councils can slap some ludicrous restrictions on Grounds though. I know that at one time West Mids were having to keep a log of shooter numbers and rounds fired. Catton Hall had more stupid restrictions thrust upon them, many years ago. It has to be remembered that local Councils have to be seen to take some form of action, regardless of how stupid it may be, to keep the goose that lays certain coloured eggs  !      :angel:

Local Councils can slap some ludicrous restrictions on Grounds though. I know that at one time West Mids were having to keep a log of shooter numbers and rounds fired. Catton Hall had more stupid restrictions thrust upon them, many years ago. It has to be remembered that local Councils have to be seen to take some form of action, regardless of how stupid it may be, to keep the goose that lays certain coloured eggs  !      :angel:
Glad we have this bit going for us then:

All legalese aside, if a shooting ground meets these noise requirements:

"For the purpose of the chief of the division of wildlife's standards for shooting ranges, the following noise or sound levels apply: Unacceptable: If the sound level exceeds ninety decibels dB(A) for one hour out of twenty-four hours or eighty-five decibels dB(A) for eight hours out of twenty-four hours and the sound measuring receiver is located at the boundaries of the range property"

then local governments cannot take action against them.

I only wanted to know what cartridges people use, i didn't mean to start WW3 :eek: :D
Don't panic Mr Mannering they can all take it and give it.

Sorry but he doesn't have a point, he simply refuses to see the hypocrisy in challenging the use of certain cartridges during the week but allowing them on what is meant to be the quietest day of the week. Any ground can have any rules as they see fit and nobody has denied that, just don't go thinking people can't see through them that's all. 

It's not about 20p, it costs £60+ a round all in anyway. I would make a point of not patronising such a place..................just so you know I DO give a toss about how I'm treated. 
My point was that Sunday there is very quiet in terms of numbers but the difference is that if you are holding a CPSA event then CPSA rules do allow you to use whatever cartridge you wish so long as it is 28g or less.  No CPSA event then as you say club rules come into play.
