Clean shooting jokes?

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ase 90

Well-known member
Oct 6, 2011
can any one help,

I have to give an after dinner talk to some young lads at a private school,

as the topic is on clay shooting,I would like a few jokes on shooting.

Any help appreciated.

The last time I heard someone giving an after dinner talk at a posh clay event he was called the Panda, eats, shoots and leaves.


Ironic that you'll be giving a talk on clay shooting at a boys' public school, where, no doubt, most of the lads there will have, ahem, double-barrel names...?


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Perhaps a little anecdote or two may go down well?

As an eleven year old, father took me shooting for the first time where I was put in the beating line with an elderly gentleman.

Father said " I don't want to hear a peep out of you today, you do exactly the same as Austin ( the beater) does"

First drive a guest known as 'Duck Down Popadopoulus' sprays us with shot.

Austin bellows 'keep those barrels up or I'll come down this hill and stuff them up your **** '

Little voice 'keep those barrels up or I'll come down this hill' Shhh it's all right Peter' said Austin.

Later on in life I am loading for probably the most famous Sir in shooting for four days.

First day first drive he is on fire wiping everyone's eye and shooting like a God, I was well impressed.

Walking back to the car I enquired how much lead he had been giving those high birds?

He hadn't spoken to me at all up to this point, he looked at me like something stuck to his shoe and sneered 'I don't see lead, I shoot' for three days and even driving him in the car he never had a conversation with me or spoke a word to me until on the fourth morning he couldn't hit a thing and gradually got into a rage, exasperated he yelled at me " What am I doing Harris? " This was my chance " Missing Sir!"

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