Comments on shotkam please

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Well-known member
May 25, 2024
I’ve read the threads on here about shotkam, but there is a new model out.

A few of us go shooting and I would describe us as mostly serious beginners. We do practice, we take it seriously, but also have fun and enjoy it. We want to get better but accept we will never be world champions (😂).

We’ve considered getting a shotkam, not only because we think it sounds interesting/helpful but also because we are all into technology and gadgets!

I know there won’t be a general concensus about whether or not they are useful, but a few comments from people on here who’ve used one would be helpful. Also, is it worth getting gen4 over gen3, and if so, has anyone tried the new gen4 lite.

Thanks in advance for any help or advice offered.
I would invest that money in lessons. There is always a reason why you miss somewhere. Feet, hold point, speed, cheek weld etc. The shotcam just shows you a hit or where you missed. A good teacher will be able to tell you why you miss and how to correct that.
I would invest that money in lessons. There is always a reason why you miss somewhere. Feet, hold point, speed, cheek weld etc. The shotcam just shows you a hit or where you missed. A good teacher will be able to tell you why you miss and how to correct that.
We were thinking the shotkam might be a good addition as well as lessons, not necessarily instead of them.
We were thinking the shotkam might be a good addition as well as lessons, not necessarily instead of them.
With a shotkam, once you're finished with it, you can sell it on and get some money back. With a teacher, good or bad, you can't.
A friend and myself bought the gen3 between us and probably only used it about 5/6 times.
I did a video of my friend shooting 50 birds. Running the shotkam and video side by side, it was quite simple to see that the ones he missed, he was momentarily stopping the gun as he pulled the trigger.
I was okay with left and rights and rabbits etc, but had a problem with quartering birds. Using the same method, you could see that I was...maybe not exactly lifting my head, more like, relaxing my cheek weld if you see what I mean.
Would a good teacher have noticed that? Probably yes. Would he/she have noticed the faults as quick.....I'm not so sure. Then there's the problem of finding a "good" tutor. Unfortunately they are not all good.
Anyway, we are both shooting a lot better now (the friend more so) and the shotkam has sat in it's box for the last 6 months doing nothing. PM me if you want any more info.
Can you slow the footage down to frame by frame on a Shotkam to see this sort of thing clearly, or is it real time only then hitting pause? Yes I will now go and YouTube it also. :)
Can you slow the footage down to frame by frame on a Shotkam to see this sort of thing clearly, or is it real time only then hitting pause? Yes I will now go and YouTube it also. :)
Yes, apparently you can view it frame by frame, both on a pc and your mobile.
I love mine and it picked up things that am instructor didn't. (Probably says more about the instructor). It has undoubtedly improved my shooting and I would highly recommend. My shooting partner is selling his MK4 if you are interested
I don't have any experience of shotkams and can see their worth as a diagnostic tool - good points Robden.

There is a risk however - are you able to identify & correct the fault and ensure you have the right long term remedy for it. For example what actually causes someone to stop the gun just before shooting is personal and may or may not be an issue for them. I think Mr Husthwaite recently said some of the top guns do do that now when it might well be an error for others. Is the gun stopped because of the hold, kill point etc. These are issues for a coach.

The more I shoot the more I think we all have our own preferred way (both mentally & physically) of hitting a clay with confidence. The thing is to find that. I would be inclined to borrow one, see what it tells you and if anything look at the ones you hit as much (if not more than) the misses.
When we got our gen2 (2016) Shotkam i had dabbled with a head cam and thought it was good. First video with the Shotkam ended my use of head cam as the Shotkam footage was (and still is) so, so much better. I used the Shotkam as i was missing more targets at Skeet than i should have and when watching the footage back (edited together using Windows Movie Maker) i noticed especially on High 2 i was leaving before the target was appearing and stopping my swing to let the clay catch up. Quickly sorted that out and shot the next weekend for a 49 ex 50 (captured on Shotkam as proof). I still have a go with the Shotkam and other mates have a gen3 which is better quality footage ( i know as i edit their footage) so i have no hesitation recommending a Shotkam to anyone. Yes they are expensive and probably like the 4 of us it'll not get used more than twice a year but its bought and paid for and doesnt eat much meat and the first time you get yout "Shotkam Moment" it'll be well worth the money
One thing to note I would say you can definitely tell it’s on the gun and even if you don’t mind the extra weight out there on the end of the barrels you can then miss it when it’s not there. I used to use mine on my Beretta A400 and it didn’t make a great deal of difference although when I changed to shooting a Caesar Apex it was too much and I found it a real hinderance I would strongly recommend trying one first if you can prior to purchasing 👍🏼
One thing to note I would say you can definitely tell it’s on the gun and even if you don’t mind the extra weight out there on the end of the barrels you can then miss it when it’s not there. I used to use mine on my Beretta A400 and it didn’t make a great deal of difference although when I changed to shooting a Caesar Apex it was too much and I found it a real hinderance I would strongly recommend trying one first if you can prior to purchasing 👍🏼
Too late 😂

I pressed the button on the gen 4 mini. While I might live to regret it, I would rather regret the things I’ve done than the things I haven’t.
Can you actually see the shot missing the target ?
Just about it’s a kind of distortion in the picture in the frame after the gun goes off. It’s in my opinion clearer in “real life” but I’m aware a lot of people can’t see it. They are certainly a good aid in training and did show up a lot of my faults. I was never aware of just how much I would point the gun at the trap when I shouted pull then have to chase down the bird, putting so much speed in the gun that I tended to overshoot the bird.
Too late 😂

I pressed the button on the gen 4 mini. While I might live to regret it, I would rather regret the things I’ve done than the things I haven’t.
That’s my mantra always. If in doubt checkout 🤣.
I’m sure you will be very happy with it, I was with mine to be fair and when the novelty had worn off and the change of gun I moved it on. To be fair I didn’t loose a great deal on it and what it did cost I would have happily spent to try one for the year or so I had it.
Can you actually see the shot missing the target ?
Even though you can (and that's why I bought mine). I learnt very quickly that it's key benefit is seeing where your process is wrong. For example, you can see how your hold point can vary even though you think your in the same spot. Also, at times when I thought I was shooting pull away I was shooting maintained lead. It's this that made the biggest difference
Even though you can (and that's why I bought mine). I learnt very quickly that it's key benefit is seeing where your process is wrong. For example, you can see how your hold point can vary even though you think your in the same spot. Also, at times when I thought I was shooting pull away I was shooting maintained lead. It's this that made the biggest difference
Totally agree as well as what i said earlier i always thought i shot everything swing through until i saw that i was using the other methods, pull away, maintained lead on a lot of the targets. I hope PeeJay has as much fun with his as i've had with ours
Totally agree as well as what i said earlier i always thought i shot everything swing through until i saw that i was using the other methods, pull away, maintained lead on a lot of the targets. I hope PeeJay has as much fun with his as i've had with ours
Well I love shooting and I love gadgets. It sounds like a win win to me. Should be here tomorrow although to be fair it’s coming from America, starting in Florida, so who knows.

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