Don't look at the barrel!

Clay, Trap, Skeet Shooting Forum

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Ha Ha :)   interesting question here is Alan Rhone's take on your question.

Alan Rhone.

"You have uncovered one of the great myths of shotgunning - that comb height changes point of impact, it doesn't, it changes line of sight. Changing where you are looking may or may not affect where the gun shoots, it all depends on the way you shoot. If you aim the gun using the front bead like a rifle front sight then you will find that a high comb equals a high shot placement. However, if you look over the gun and use the rib as a subconscious aiming aid, you will find that the height of the comb makes little difference unless it is so low that you lift your head to see over the rib. In this case a low comb can make you shoot high. Trust me on this, changing comb height does not change point of impact.

and if you trust him on that I have a bridge in Brooklyn and some beachfront property in Nevada that I'm sure you'll be interested in.  And we already explored how much more of an authority Rhone is than I several years ago in a similar thread   :heat:

Changing the pitch will not make any difference to the point of impact either. Pitch affects comfort and how easily you can mount the gun. I have carried out many tests using guns with adjustable pitch and I can tell you that changing from extreme down to extreme up-pitch does not move the point of impact at all but it certainly makes a big difference to recoil."

That is true now with competition guns and generally with game guns as gun fit and style have changed.  It has not always been that way and pitch does serve to change POI for shooters that might still use the Robert Churchill era (as in Churchill guns) style of gun mount.  Which of course has nothing to do with the system of instinctive move/mount/shoot that he first codified and is re-discovered every year or so as a revolutionary new approach to shooting by the latest guru.
