Dubai Tournament

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Yes Nic, they probably checked with Pete Wilson too like I did! until i rang up Gulf news!! ..... various deadlines means that in some mags he is Ahmed and some he is Ahmad.......
Yes but they are two very different people.

How they must laugh at Johnny Englishman :laugh:

P.s. If you want to check names the go to Wikipedia....the info is all there.

I an absolute B grade Wannabee, and I'm going next year, and to the USA for the Worlds!!!

A big year, but imagine the fun just being part of it, and joining other Wannabee's at the bar or with a bit of luck actually shoot with them.

Yippee....another like me....a B Class wannabe.


Shootclay wannabeeeee shoot meet soon.....of course it will have to be trap :wink:

Everyone is welcome in the wannabeeeee camp.....just saying..! Providing they are not prissy :wink:

Oh shucks! was just writing my RSVP then read the prissy bit so on that basis I am out ! :spiteful:
Nope....'you' are definitely in..!!!

Don't forget I have felt those bicept things...or whatever you call them...

Don't know now if you have the best or if Aspire does.....Hmmm... :wink:

Can I join the wannabe club, it will be another step on my journey to be a hasbeen/neverbeen.. :blink:

"Thats when the fight started"

Well MM what Siiirrreeeeyl says is actually correct.....

We all wannabee and some will be and many more will not be....that is life.

Some people will never hit a barn door at ten paces matter how many lessons they have....true story...that is life.

Just like in the horse game....I could always tell when giving lessons....just who would ride....and just who would never...ever...ever make a rider in a million trillion years....

Just like snow skiing........some people just live their life in the snow plough on a green run and are very happy there to be honest.....and some only look for the double diamond blacks.....

Some also look for the DDB's when they really should be looking at the greens....but hey ho....if they want to kill themselves...that is up to them :laugh: You pay your money you make your choice.
