East Midlands Director

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Surely not..........the board cannot reject a director put forward by their region. There is nothing in the Articles that covers that....!!

At least not in the present working ones.

This is a new step too far if true.
It would appear that our Board can make it up as they go along.

The articles don't cover it - they simply refer to a co-opted director being able to serve the remainder of the term of the director being replaced.  A "Regional Director"  must be resident in the region.  The articles do not state, who determines who should be co-opted - whether it is the region or the Board.  The only thing I think it clear in the current articles is that the co-opted director should be from the relevant region - as otherwise the co-opted director would not fall within the definition of "Regional Director" of which there must be 5 under the misnumbered article 8©. 

There have been a number of directors co-opted over the years - what has been the convention for replacement of regional directors?

The convention has always been that the region committee choose a temporary director who takes care of the region as a co-opted director until he can be formally elected by ballot when the original term runs out. As in the SE last time.

The board has to accept the regions choice. It is not up to them to choose . The board can however co-opt a person whose skills are needed to sit at the board as a director or not .....but they cannot choose a regional director for a region who has already made their choice .

I am stunned today by other things that are coming to me.....! Apparently a director of the board has been suggesting on email ways of not replying to 'individuals who challenge policy / decisions or requests for information which are either unnecessary or mischievous ' he apparently wants to 'create an environment where members, if necessary, may be politely advised accordingly .' (Whatever the heck that means?)

Good grief......what the heck is happening...!!

Not to mention also the current on going situation where a person who has made a complaint ....is allegedly not being allowed to attend the hearing....and witness statements have not been collected from all those present...!

Edit for typos

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Not to mention also the current on going situation where a person who has made a complaint ....is allegedly not being allowed to attend the hearing....and witness statements have not been collected from all those present...!
I couldn't find out HOW to make a formal complaint. Not even Colin could tell me how. 

Article 8[c] to [e] states (according to the website):

"[c]The Board shall consist of eight (8.) directors being elected members of the Association who will be of at least three (3) years continuous standing. These eight directors will be divided into the following two (2) categories: i) three (3) National Directors who will be elected by postal ballot of the entire membership of the Association and ii) five (5) Regional Directors, one resident in each of the existing (5) regions of the Association, who will be elected by postal ballot of the members residing within their own region only.

[d] The CEO of the CPSA will not be a Director of the CPSA Board by reason of appointment to the post of CEO. The CEO will not be entitled to vote on any matter at any Board Meeting unless he has been currently elected as a Director by the members of the Association and therefore has the right to vote. The CEO will report to the Board on all matters pertaining to the day to day management of the Association; his presence at any part of the Board Meeting will be at the discretion of the Chairman. At each AGM one third (1/3) of the directors who are subject to retirement by rotation, or if their number is not three (3) the number nearest to one third (1/3) shall retire from office.

[e] Subject to the provisions of the Act, the directors will serve for 3 (three) years and retire by rotation. In the case of a director co-opted to replace a director who did not serve his full three year term said co-opted director will serve the remainder of the original three year term and then retire. The retiring directors shall be eligible for re-election." (my emphasis)

Whilst it isn't express, there is certainly an implication that the region would be involved in the co-opting. If the convention has always been so, it would be quite disappointing for that to be varied for a particular case. We wouldn't normally expect the board themselves to be able to pick a director (as normally the region would elect) and so it would follow that the region should hold the nomination...?  

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Could someone from East Midlands please give us a bit of a bio about their new choice of director such as education and business or employment history so we can see if he has a chance of fighting his corner with some relevant experience behind him.

It seems to me that the Board of Directors have shot themselves in the foot by expressing that they cannot work with him before even having the courtesy to sit down together at one board meeting to establish common ground, areas of difficulty and whether any compromise is possible.

It is also a direct insult to the East Midlands members and to the membership as a whole that the board should try to reject the choice of the members - How dare they!!!!

It appears that they don't have the right at present BUT under the new articles the board are giving themselves the power to sack directors.

Come on fellow members surely you can all see where this is going now!!!!

Robert Beard,

 I have to agree with most of your comments, except we do not need a bio of the new East Midlands ELECTED representative. The Region chose him and deemed him suitable to represent them. 

I really am amazed at how the Board are conducting themselves. 

If this is democracy there is something seriously wrong with the operation of our Board.

With regard to Nicola's request for information , I think it is a perfectly reasonable request asked in the correct manner. For it not to have received an immediate reply and for Nicola not to have been admonished, leads me to believe that there may be something to hide from the membership, or more accurately those members who are interested in the Association.


" Perhaps it would be for the good of our sport if the present Board and the CEO resigned and perhaps then we could move forward, because we certainly have not for some years now."

Robert Beard,

 I have to agree with most of your comments, except we do not need a bio of the new East Midlands ELECTED representative. The Region chose him and deemed him suitable to represent them. 
The East Midlands have quite properly chosen their new director.  I am not seeking to change that only to know a bit more about him.  I would like an understanding of the background of all the directors of the CPSA to try to understand why they are behaving as they are.

I am somewhat surprised that there appears to be an unanimity of view from the board about the new appointee so quickly.  If not then where are the dissenting voices or abstainers from this apparent public slap in the face to the East Midlands members and more widely or are all the directors on the same planet other than ours!

If the CEO is forced out then there will be a claim against the CPSA for loss of office at a tribunal which we can do without.  I suspect that proper direction by a better Board might reveal that he can do what we require of him.  If not then if he does not do as instructed by the Board he opens himself up to disciplinary action.

Hey Robert......did you know that 'your' region was all for the new draft articles..?? They did not have much to say on them at all.....

This is what they said on the 'consolidated regional feedback'. 

South-West Regional Committee

14th June 2013

  • Retain the clause permitting the removal of a director
  • Agreed that the Board should appoint the Chairman
  • Suggested making acceptance of the new Articles a condition of membership
  • Allow terms of office to be open-ended
  • 27.7 – need to reflect that trade membership itself does not give any voting rights
  • Suggested including the annual rotation of regional location for AGMs in the Articles (– perhaps better placed as a bye-law?)
  • Agreed with the proposals for two independent and up to two co-opted directors
  • Felt that it is a good piece of work with just one or two tweaks necessary

I am not sure what the accepting the articles as a condition of membership brings to the party....

as for the rest well....it is a free world ....

and i am glad to know that all you members on here from the South West feel soooooo happy with these new articles.

Clive Hames probably has more knowledge of the CPSA and its workings since 1965 than any other living person, all of which can be backed up by the wealth of written documentation that he has covering that period. I am also told that he is extremely stubborn and will not be bullied.

Just the sort of person that we need on the Board.

P.s. any one else want to see what their region said on their behalf....just pm me.....

South-West Regional Committee

14th June 2013

  • Retain the clause permitting the removal of a director
  • Agreed that the Board should appoint the Chairman
  • Suggested making acceptance of the new Articles a condition of membership
  • Allow terms of office to be open-ended
  • 27.7 – need to reflect that trade membership itself does not give any voting rights
  • Suggested including the annual rotation of regional location for AGMs in the Articles (– perhaps better placed as a bye-law?)
  • Agreed with the proposals for two independent and up to two co-opted directors
  • Felt that it is a good piece of work with just one or two tweaks necessary

I am not sure what the accepting the articles as a condition of membership brings to the party....

as for the rest well....it is a free world ....

and i am glad to know that all you members on here from the South West feel soooooo happy with these new articles.
Unfortunately it must be a case of lambs to the slaughter and nothing to do with me!

As the SW elected representatives they have decided this on their own with no consultation of the members which is what they are there for.  

You get what you pay for as they say!

My offer to review the new articles was evidently too late and didn't seem particularly welcome!

To be fair we do not know that the Board have rejected Clive - lets not get the pitchforks out just yet until there is anything official released.

To be fair we do not know that the Board have rejected Clive - lets not get the pitchforks out just yet until there is anything official released.
I was assuming that as we have some county reps that they might have got this from their own region or director

Believe me the source could not be more reliable. It will be interesting to see what happens at their meeting on Tuesday.

Believe me the source could not be more reliable. It will be interesting to see what happens at their meeting on Tuesday.
Sorry! Wasn't meaning to offend. It just seems awfully quick for the Board to have rejected him. He was only confirmed by the Region last night.

They are not normally that quick at decisions!! :eek: :D
