East Midlands Director

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Cpsa needs to moderate it tone and know the articles, in the current email sent to the East Midlands. Accusing them of having 'erroneous and misleading statements' on their website.

How ridiculous......!!

The EMR website states that they (the committee) have voted for Clive Hames to be their Regional Director. It does not say that he 'is' the Director. Me thinks you jumped toooooo quick. All those who know and understand the articles know that the regions stand in choice until the original term ends ....has to be co-opted officially by the board. Mechanism only.

Listen up Cpsa......I will say this slowly so that you can try to understand.

At the minute the new articles......are....not....yet...passed.

That mean that at the minute....the EMR.....can ......still.....appoint...the....person.....to .....represent....their....region.....as....a....director....!!

The Board.....only....has....the....'remit'....to....co-opt....the...EMR....choice....onto....the.....Board....GOT IT???

The Board.....does.....not....have....the....remit.....to....discuss......or........refuse......the.....EMR.....choice......GOT IT??

It is not rocket science....it is in the articles (well at least at the moment).

Historically.......The only time the Board has chosen a person to co-opt is when they have been lacking a National director (where there is no Region to choose one) like some of the current batch. Mr Jellicoe was the last co-opted director and later when the term ended he continued then as a full director unopposed because he was the only person to apply to ballot.

For goodness sake board.....on Tuesday.....do the damn job.....co -opt the EMR choice and get on with running the association.

I suspect things like this are going to get a whole lot worse under the new articles which will have the most ridiculous new one added which allows the Directors to vote off a director they do not want to work with.

I find it very interesting that for years and years Directors had to work together for the good of the association with directors that they either liked or disliked.....God knows I worked with some real 'clunkers' .....(business skills......don't make me laugh )....!! Bjorn left because the skills were so lacking he was sick of wasting his time.....and those at the AGM will remember him explaining in detail ...why he was leaving.

NOW.......they seem to want a 'beauty parade'......before they have anyone enter the door.

By the way .....has anyone else who was at the SER AGM (that posts on here) been asked to supply a witness statement?

It seems that a beauty parade is happening there as well so I would be interested to hear from you if you have.

I had not been asked to supply one by the committee hearing the complaint....which I thought was very strange as I was the only one who stood up to stop the humiliation of a fellow volunteer committee member....so one would think that I would be a witness......that and having the whole thing on tape...!!

But strangly when I asked Mr Kibblewhite why I had not been asked to put a statement in...he said he ad given me the only explanation he had.....which was nothing....so I still do not know!

Good job that the complainant on realising this .....asked me and others.

Not sure why Bob cannot answer my question as I believe he is one of the ones dealing with the complaint and therefore you would hope...fastidious with the statement collecting.

I cannot wait to hear the outcome of this ......I wonder if someone will argue black is white and white is black.....when the whole meeting has been taped.

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 They may not be very quick at decisions, but they can be immediate with opinions.

Internet and telephone ring round Robins can be quick also.

With so many bad management decisions being made recently by the Board, you have to ask who is the driving force behind all this mischief and why?

We don't call them Boards here in Shropshire and Mid Wales.

We call them Shepherds and Sheep!

Maybe Mr. Dave Jellicoe would make a better Shepherd, he has the experience.

Maybe that's what the new articles are all about! Lambs to the slaughter! 

 The members interest could be called ' The Silence of the Lambs'.

Yet another horror story.

Well I actually fear for the members right to ask questions. (Nothing to do with the Articles)......but I have seen an email that suggests that........ the board must be more 'supportive' of the CEO when .........challenges of policy / decisions or requests for information which are either unnecessary or mischievous are made......etc etc.......members may be politely advised accordingly.....!

I am starting to fear that a member will no longer get an answer to a question that the board do not want asked.

Eg......I am still waiting for an answer to my very simple questions about the World Sporting in SA.

Oooooops another toy.......flew past my window.....!!

Someone is getting stroppy.....!!

Bet that wall is getting full up with all the printed out posts on it.

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I turn my back for five minutes and all hell breaks lose.

I would just like to clear something up regarding my attendance at the last Board meeting.

It is correct I asked Terry Bobbett why he was alledgedly in Dallas at the time of the opening ceremony when he allegedly was at the World Sporting to see how the Americans run things.

To me a major faux pas.

I was told in reply " what's it got to do with you ".

I said as a Director of the CPSA I felt I was entitled to an answer, sadly Mr Bobbett chose to repeat his last statement,this time with a bit more venom and a few more decibels, it should be noted no other Director supported my asking of this question.

A lot more things were said, but I wont divulge them just yet, got to keep my powder dry !!!!

It was after this I decided I could no longer have any effect on the way the CPSA is run, furthermore I was concerned for my own personal reputation. I was at the time jointly responsible for the actions of the Board, that in my opinion was a position I was not comfortable with.

I enjoyed the majority of my time on the Board and I hope in some way it is felt I did a reasonable job, I certainly tried to put the shooters views forward regardless of my own personal opinion.

I know I never got it right all the time.......but I gave it my best shot, despite everything that was thrown at me, especially in the last twelve months or so.

I can't say I have personally heard that the Board have rejected Clive, but it is my understanding that it is not their gift to decide who the EM Director will be, I have told a few trusted individuals who I think they are lining up for the job, so we will see how good my guess is, if they are allowed to refuse Clive.

If they have rejected Clive I'm not surprised......it is a frightening prospect for them, he has more knowledge on the CPSA than anyone on the current Board.........and as my wife says, nobody likes a smartarse.

Lastly for now at least, I would just like to thank the many of you that have mailed, phoned or spoken to me in the last month or two.

You will know that 2013 has not been brilliant for me .....personal tragedies, bereavement etc, and it's not over yet sadly.

But I certainly haven't given up yet, I may have stepped out of the office for a bit, but for me the fight is not over by any stretch.

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I believe Colin that there has been more misunderstanding today with regard to the EM report on the regions website.

I think it might be helpful for people to not only understand the articles but to understand how it as been historically done.

When a director resigns, dies, leaves (for whatever reason) 'during' his 3 year tenure....it is the region who decides who is put forward for the board to co-opt to look after the region until the end of the 3 yr term....whether it is 1 day into the term or 2.5 years into the term.

The post cannot be advertised to the regional membership until the term comes to an end as normal in the articles. There is no mechanism to go to a ballot mid-term. When the term is ending...then 'anyone' in the region can apply to the auditor to be a director (you will have all seen the instructions in Pull magazine each year). Then after the closing date the auditor tells HQ how many people have applied and if more than one...they will go to ballot of the membership of the region through a form in Pull magazine. .....FACT...

There is no mechanism in the Articles to go to a ballot now....for the EMR directorship......and the idea that the committee cannot choose ...because they do not know if anyone else in the region wants the opportunity .....is very mischievous in the extreme...!! There is no mechanism to do so.

The EM region has great communications with its members and its counties and is a hard working, well set up committee. Much time has passed since Colin's resignation....i am sure that anyone in the region who had felt that they could take on the director position, or be of any help to the region in these times......would have made themself known to the committee by now. The regional meeting held the other night was following the normal procedure. And should be applauded.

Hells bells....when I resigned after being libelled......there was no meeting of our region to discuss a new director to co-opt (remember I am on the SER committee so I am talking fact....we had no meeting). Our Regional Chairman just very kindly turned up at the Board offering to hold the position in the region until a new director was appointed 'at the end' of my term of office. He did not have any of this silliness put to him. He continued as the SER co-opt until the end of my 3 year period when the director application method was announced in Pull. Sadly there were not a lot of applicants, for the biggest region in the country......only one applied......and therefore walked in.....because....you see...... there is no vote of the membership if only one applies.

Several on the current board are people who have continued unopposed in their directorships. It would be nice, fresh and a change......if we actually got to vote in our directors. Lots of reassurances are being given that we have the vote.......but having it and being able to use it are two different things.....come on people.....there must be more out there for the next time any directorships are advertised in Pull.....lets have a proper chance to vote in who we want.......pen portraits....mug shots etc etc.....otherwise we will have the same people until they get carried off to the old folks home (a bit like Judges).

Maybe the new articles should have a fixed number of terms that an elected director can do. I know it has for the independents.

End of 'true' history lesson for today.

You are correct Nicola, the CPSA seem very upset that the EMRC have appointed Clive to fill this vacant position and that we have the temerity to put it on our website.
They have asked that we remove it immediately to avoid confusion.

I cannot see what the problem is, but emails are flying about, would not be shocked to see it removed by a third party.

Now that would be a first !!!

Well I hope that at the board meeting we will see a clearer picture.

There is no point speculating as to what will happen. Patience is needed.

It might be an idea to put something on the EMR website asking if anyone else out there is interested in coming forward to be considered for the EM elect director position to be co-opted. That way it can eliminate some of the deliberations of the board before the Tuesday meeting. Then your committee can discuss (possibly on email) any preference if someone else wants to stick their name in the hat. After all, at this stage in the director tenureship, it is the EMR committee who decides who they want to represent them. Then if no one else comes forward.....Clive is the option for now.

How long has the tenure got to run before the normal re election takes place?

The Board could be served with an injunction if they seek to meddle in the right of EM to co-opt their director as per the Articles.

Directors exceeding their powers under the articles could be found guilty of misfeasance under the Companies Acts!

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Robert - I don't think its that simple.  The point is that the articles are silent on the direct point as to who chooses the replacement director where there has been a resignation/death/removal. 

There is the matter of past practice / convention (which I understand is that the relevant region chooses and the Board ratifies) but I really would not think that this is injunction ground!  It is a matter for the Board to act reasonably in the circumstances - and consider whether it would be unreasonable if they were to refuse the EM nominated candidate. 

In any event, I think that the organisation has seen quite enough legal action in recent time and I would have thought that if it cannot be agreed, it can be addressed after the vote on the new articles - if they go through, the procedure would be that where there is more than 12 months of a term remaining (as there is in this case), that the post would be put up for election by the EM region members (in which I understand Clive has quite a strong fan base!). 

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Excuse me, but I think that anyone interested in being the EM Director would have been aware that Colin Butler had resigned. Therefore the Region had a nominee, voted on the nominee's suitability and that nominee received enough votes to be elected. That members is democracy. End of.

Now can I ask the CPSA accountant the following question please:-

 Do we have another £32,000 to waste in litigation?

 I mean to say we don't put a lot of money into Championship prize funds, so we might as well waste money where we can.

Finally, it is my intention to stand for election to the CPSA Board at the earliest opportunity.

There are precedents as to the procedure and I can see no reason why it should change.

As you say the new Articles would support Clive - does this mean that you think that they will go through?

A robust stance is usually best.

Why should CPSA object to a man of such great experience other than to get their own man on board if they see Clive as being potentially stubborn to their ideas and ways of doing things?

It seems whichever way we turn they seem to be obsessed with upsetting the membership, regions or unpaid volunteers and besotted with the idea that they know best how the CPSA should be run.  Some of them also seem to need a lesson in manners and decorum.  

Its a bit like parliament - it pays to listen to the electorate sometimes.

Anyway its up to East Midlands to sort out to their satisfaction!

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Sorry! Wasn't meaning to offend. It just seems awfully quick for the Board to have rejected him. He was only confirmed by the Region last night.

They are not normally that quick at decisions!! :eek: :D
No offence taken Julesy. For obvious reasons I didn't want to post where the information came from as it might have compromised some ones position. :hi:

The East Midlands CPSA have issued a clarification statement after a request by CEO Nick Fellows, see the East Mids website for full details.

Good for you East Midlands Region......I hope you get your man in.

I cannot understand why the ever so busy HQ has provaracated over a few words on your press release and yet have still not had the time to answer my simple questions on 'What happened at San Antonio'.

Maybe when you man gets on the Board he can find out?

Excuse me, but I think that anyone interested in being the EM Director would have been aware that Colin Butler had resigned. Therefore the Region had a nominee, voted on the nominee's suitability and that nominee received enough votes to be elected. That members is democracy. End of.

Now can I ask the CPSA accountant the following question please:-

 Do we have another £32,000 to waste in litigation?

 I mean to say we don't put a lot of money into Championship prize funds, so we might as well waste money where we can.

Finally, it is my intention to stand for election to the CPSA Board at the earliest opportunity.
Holy poop! You mean someone that has a back bone and a proper interest in shooting would be allowed on the Board ?????
