This question almost makes my head explode because there are so many permutations as to favourite.
But this track is all about feel, tone and soul. Some people won't get it, but to an aspiring guitarist in this genre this is the ultimate.
P.S. Comfortably Numb (Live Pulse Version) is a bit special too. Sorry Ips, ignore this one!! :biggrin:
Ok here we go this will tell us a lot about each other.
your favourite music track of all time, only one remember none of this but my second would be blah blah its a one answer question ok.
mine to start us off
"ice cream for crow""
by the very very brilliant
captain beefheart (don van vliet)
To be helpful I list a selection that people might choose from:
Songbird Fleetwood Mac
Life on Mars David Bowie
Golden Brown The Stranglers
Paint it Black Rolling Stones
My Immortal Evanescence
Don't worry I've put myself on the naughty chair Ips.
The lead guitarist of Evanescense is married to My nieces syncro swimming coach, i had a brief introduction to him in Feb when i was out in Perth
Recently it would be Eminem - survival not everyones taste but it's one of them songs! if i was a boxer it's what i'd enter the ring to!To take this on a different tangent, what would be your favourite shooting tracks to listen to? Either when shooting or maybe when driving to a shoot to put you in the mood. I have ear protectors that I can connect to my iPod and frequently listen to music when I shoot. Now I know that many of you think this is downright peculiar, and wouldn't suit most of you, but it suits me as I usually shoot alone and am quite happy in my own little world listening to music as I shoot. Some of the tracks on my shooting playlist: Grounds for Divorce - Elbow Love Spreads - Stone Roses Woke up This Morning - Alaabama 3 ( opening credits to The Sopranos) Mountain time/Ball Peen Hammer/just got Paid -Joe Bonamassa Shoot you Down -Stone Roses Shoot the Runner - Kasabian Baba O'Riley -The Who Gun Love - ZzTop Stronger -Kayne West Loads of others. As you can see, there's a theme
Yeah, I sometimes wear my Dr Drey Beats over my plugs, even have a 'Clays' playlist on my iPhone, favourite song to shoot to, White Stripes, Seven Nation Army... Others on play list, Stones, Paint it Black; Nirvana, Teen Spirit, Come as you are; Florance + The Machine, Dog days are over, You got the love; Katy Perry, Firework; My Chemical Romance, Teenagers; QFX, Whiplash; Rythmic State, Sope on a Rope; U2, Beautiful Day; Utah Saints, Something Good; some Kalvin Harris; various 90's Techno/Trance/Rave/Hardcore...To take this on a different tangent, what would be your favourite shooting tracks to listen to? Either when shooting or maybe when driving to a shoot to put you in the mood. I have ear protectors that I can connect to my iPod and frequently listen to music when I shoot. Now I know that many of you think this is downright peculiar, and wouldn't suit most of you, but it suits me as I usually shoot alone and am quite happy in my own little world listening to music as I shoot.Some of the tracks on my shooting playlist:Grounds for Divorce - ElbowLove Spreads - Stone RosesWoke up This Morning - Alaabama 3 ( opening credits to The Sopranos)Mountain time/Ball Peen Hammer/just got Paid -Joe BonamassaShoot you Down -Stone RosesShoot the Runner - KasabianBaba O'Riley -The WhoGun Love - ZzTopStronger -Kayne WestLoads of others. As you can see, there's a theme
that's cheating sian, and yes I did noticeTo be helpful I list a selection that people might choose from:
Songbird Fleetwood Mac
Life on Mars David Bowie
Golden Brown The Stranglers
Paint it Black Rolling Stones
My Immortal Evanescence
Don't worry I've put myself on the naughty chair Ips.