favourite track

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no-one has mentioned ABBA - love them or hate them you all know the words come on now Dancing Queen young and something only seventeen...... - there 's got to be a few dancing queens out there?

That would be as wrong as Genesis as second. My God, People! Everyone knows that ELO and Emerson Lake and Palmer reign supreme!

Er no sorry captain beefheart is the best band ever.

Oh god now i have broken the rules.

Like them Greg

too many of there tracks to choose from.

Oh well if you Cant beet them join them.

Wishbone ash

grand funk railroad


tangerine dream

Tonto's Expanding Headband

Simple Minds



Def Leppard

Dire Straits

Moody Blues


John Martyn



I shall stop now, the nurse has just arrived...

Torn between 2 of Nirvana's tracks "Come as you are" & "Smells Like Teen Spirit" oh and Depeche Mode enjoy the silence recorded / filmed on top of the world trade centres (WTC). Check them out on YouTube..........Enjoy.

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Hmmmm - I thot that ELO and ELP would set the standard for stupid but I see I was worng again.

I mean, Captain Beefheart?  That would never have existed were it not for Frank Zappa.  Not that Beefheart ain't fun, but musically interesting?  Can you do anything with it besides just listen and then put it away?  I mean, even Motorhead ...............   even Sex Pistols .....................  more even Anthrax ................  moremore even the fish slapping song

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Hmmmm - I thot that ELO and ELP would set the standard for stupid but I see I was worng again.

I mean, Captain Beefheart?  That would never have existed were it not for Frank Zappa.  Not that Beefheart ain't fun, but musically interesting?  Can you do anything with it besides just listen and then put it away?  I mean, even Motorhead ...............   even Sex Pistols .....................  more even Anthrax ................  moremore even the fish slapping song
No no and thrice no, I accept that Beafheart is an acquired taste BUT still the most original lyricist, songwriter and performer END OF.

Ok here we go, the bloke is a genius, an experimental composer and artist his 1st album was "safe as milk" in 67. I first heard the album "Mirror man" in 81 some weirdo friend of my (to be) brother in law had it lying around one night at a "party" I said something on the lines of "who the f is this" he lent it to me and I was blown away. In those days I had long hair and a beard and was shall we say a little Avante Garde to say the least. Anyway in those days you could not get these albums easily if at all so I imported the 1st 4 albums of my CB collection direct from USA via a record shop in my home town (incidentally this was owned by another very weird guy who was quite high up in the CND movement, he got arrested mid 80s at one of the protests, anyway I digress) easy listening it is not, easily understood it is not BUT I have always been drawn to originality and anything unorthodox. This is my favourite track of all time from his last album in 82 he had by now gone ever so slightly commercial under pressure form his management and I believe a serious shortage of cash. MTV refused to play it saying it was "too weird" wow they obviously never listened to his early stuff, this is tame by comparison.

It is not for everyone I accept that, but if you choose to watch then listen to the lyrics and try to appreciate the originality and genius of the man. The lyrics make no sense unless you read them so don't expect it too.


"sure nuff and yes I do"

live recording from the Cannes music festival 68.

Beefheart at his very very best, you cannot possibly not think this is just absolutely brilliant.


"sure nuff and yes I do"

live recording from the Cannes music festival 68.

Beefheart at his very very best, you cannot possibly not think this is just absolutely brilliant.


Preaching to the converted here Ips! Certainly an acquired taste I would say though. I would imagine it would all become clear if the listener was possibly under the influence of something chemical to help things along!  :music:

I think you owe it to us all, as you are obviously a massive fan, to explain to us how he came by the name "Beefheart"  :thumbsu:

Well apparently he took the name because he considered that he had a "beef" in his "heart" about society in general. That is what I am lead to believe.

Well apparently he took the name because he considered that he had a "beef" in his "heart" about society in general. That is what I am lead to believe.
I prefer the version which relates to his Uncle Alan's strange behaviour. I'm too modest to relate the story here, but it describes it on Wikipedia fairly well so it must be true??   :sarcastic:
