FITASC vs Super Sporting

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Sour grapes I’m afraid. The Fitasc committee are obviously concerned that Supersporting is impacting on their revenue.
For me the two discipline are only similar in some ways and not a direct copy one of the other.
It’s a shame as I do consider the old system Fitasc sporting properly done to be the “Rolls Royce” of clay shooting but it has become so expensive of late as to be prohibitive for some people.
Supersporting is more competively priced and is enjoyable but not the same as Fitasc - no gun line restriction, no move the gun before seeing the bird penalty, a series of stands more like English sporting rather than a Fitasc parcours layout and many more rule differences.
There are only so many ways you can throw a clay into the air - you just can’t expect to copyright it!
As above S /Sporting isn`t a copy. It doesn`t take all day to shoot,is no more expensive than a Sporting shoot and doesn`t have even similar rules........
Seem to recall similar petulence toward Fedecat a few years ago too.
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I think fitasc old system was the supreme challenge the new system only created the opportunity for more entries and an increase in revenue for the grounds holding the event 72 shooters old system was not cost effective and venues declined the shoots.New system is very similar to super sporting and with 8 or 9 targets presented on one stand and then move on to finish a layout of 25 then move to the next layout .I suspect Fitasc see super sporting as a huge threat to income especially as it does not take all day to shoot 100 targets .
This sums up regulatory bodies who have lost touch with the grass roots of their sport.

The reference to the decision of the 21st July 2015 stinks of cartel or restraint of trade.

In the meantime, lets invent a new discipline called "Super-Duper-Sporting". There's no technical breach then !!.
Jean-Francois Palinkas needs to pull his head out of his arse and realise that HE needs shooters . Shooters do not need FITASC.
We are perfectly capable of organising events that can be run safely , profitably , professionally and enjoyable without the need of Bullyboy tactics .
I don`t think many of us respond well to bullying tactics .This current spat will not attract more people to Fitasc.
I hope S/Sporting goes from strength to strength.
The general consensus amongst my friends is that the cpsa will back down over this issue. I'll be pretty disgusted if that is the case.

Good opportunity for the lawyers to make a few dollars, can’t see any chance of a court upholding Palinkas’s bullying tactics, ECHR will have a field day with this
I guess the ball is now firmly back in FITASC's court.

They either carry out their threat or they back down and look a bit silly. They've severely shot themselves in the foot here.

CPSA have the numbers on their side. How many elite uk competitors would boycott CPSA events in favour of FITASC? None would be my guess.

Any FITASC championship with the UK's elite absent is a pretty worthless event.
