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Briley have an odd system for their chokes - LF is 3/4 - F is 7/8 and XF is 8/8 - so given the adjustable stock (trap style) the selection for this gun (32") may not be not as odd as it initially seems.

Briley have an odd system for their chokes - LF is 3/4 - F is 7/8 and XF is 8/8 - so given the adjustable stock (trap style) the selection for this gun (32") may not be not as odd as it initially seems.
That's the American designations for you. CG chokes are the same. The IM (3/4) choke is only a 5 thou increment from 1/2 so it's really a 5/8 and the rest are as above.

Should that be their LM choke, as I have a set but no IM choke but 2 x LM ones

Should that be their LM choke, as I have a set but no IM choke but 2 x LM ones
CG's LM choke is 15 thou, exactly 3/8 and as expected. I'm not normally anal about stuff but after several Berettas with wrongly marked chokes I decided to get out the digital caliper gauge and do some measuring. At the time I had a set of 5 flush + 2 Mod competition chokes thrown in by the dealer, a single LM bought used and a full set of 8 competition chokes bought new. I was pleased to find that despite having 16 chokes from 4 different sources and of 2 different styles, every choke without exception was within a thou or so of where it should be for the marked constriction - given that the IM, LF and F are all American sizes.

On 10/18/2019 at 9:52 AM, Lloyd Pattison said:

Yeah I doubt it, it's not designed to compete with the DT11, they are not in the same class, it is however a significant bump in the midrange offering for Beretta.

Speaking of which, heres an exclusive interview at the Beretta factory with their Product Manager re the 694:

Super helpful! Any little hints you gleam on whether they would come out with the Black 694? 

he certainly didn’t seem to react like wasn’t a possibility! 

I think they will definitely do a 694 black. Not based on anything other than the popularity of the other black series guns. 

You tube must be very slow, I'm subscribed to your channel but it's sometimes weeks rather than days before I receive a notification that you have new content. By then I've watched it via the link on here.

I don't alway agree with you, that's life and healthy. It's more because of price for me as the guns you review are mostly out of my price range. Unfortunately it sounds sometimes like a gun costing less than several thousand is no more than scrap. I know you don't mean it it that way, it just occasionally sounds like it.

My Miroku MK38 grade 1 sport, was right at the top of my price bracket, but for me it's a forever gun. I watched your review on the grade 5 several times. 

I'd like to see you review more guns in the bottom end, second hand market. They still sell and I'm sure I'm not the only one that would like to see how some guns are faring at 10, 20 or 30 years old. Most RFDs have a big turn over in sub £1000 guns. I have several shooting friends that paid sub £500, still shoot weekly, still hit targets.

Constructive criticism Lloyd, I hope it's taken that way and you consider my suggestions. 

Otherwise keep up the good work as I really do enjoy watching the reviews of mostly what I can only aspire too. 


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That's a fair shout centrepin, to be fair the stuff I review tends to be driven by what comes in to the gun room second hand. The sub grand stuff tends to be really high turnover, e.g. it comes in and is sold again before I can get dibs. Equally I cant seem to get the importers to get me new guns that fit in that price bracket for whatever reason.

I could do with doing a round up of guns under a grand (mostly second hand as these are the best value IMO) and will certainly take that on board.

Not sure if you have seen the 525 Sporter one review (v similar to the MK38) but I think they are one of the best value guns on the market. Browning / Miroku have the cheaper end of the market locked down in my opinion, and have a huge and loyal following in the UK and the US for a reason.

Thanks man.

That's a fair shout centrepin, to be fair the stuff I review tends to be driven by what comes in to the gun room second hand. The sub grand stuff tends to be really high turnover, e.g. it comes in and is sold again before I can get dibs. Equally I cant seem to get the importers to get me new guns that fit in that price bracket for whatever reason.

I could do with doing a round up of guns under a grand (mostly second hand as these are the best value IMO) and will certainly take that on board.

Not sure if you have seen the 525 Sporter one review (v similar to the MK38) but I think they are one of the best value guns on the market. Browning / Miroku have the cheaper end of the market locked down in my opinion, and have a huge and loyal following in the UK and the US for a reason.

Thanks man.
No worries Lloyd, if you ever fancy doing a review on mine or my sons pair of MK70 game, give me a shout. 

You can review my Browning B525 if you like Lloyd... it's a pretty rare edition over the norm; designed to miss the target a lot even when it's pointing directly at it. Not sure how many they made but I guess I got lucky. ;)
Already done the 525 too, I dont just review guns with big price tags:

Based on my interview with the product manager I think they will concentrate on the 694 market share before diluting the offering with more models. There is plenty of inventory out there which will go unsold if they start releasing a panoply of new models.


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