Guns with adjustable combs

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Nic putting aside past discussions between us and the fact you don't want to speak with me can you at least answer me this question? Was what I said really that different to what Alan said? And please answer honestly don't go splitting hairs.

Nic putting aside past discussions between us and the fact you don't want to speak with me can you at least answer me this question? Was what I said really that different to what Alan said? And please answer honestly don't go splitting hairs.
You have misunderstood my post yet again.

I put a clarification on my post after your posts of 96 and 97.

Where you said you were not going to lie down?? whatever that meant....and copying in an old post mentioning my name......yet......I have not actually interacted with you in the whole of this thread.

And that is why I put my clarification.....I was not speaking to 'you' ....I was speaking to the subject matter posted about Alan's views on the subject.

I do not know you, I have not got any 'past history' with you and I have not really got any interest at all as I have never met I am not really sure why you are so bothered all the time in thinking that we are communicating. We are not.....I am talking in the thread....just saying every so politely.

You have misunderstood my post yet again.

I put a clarification on my post after your posts of 96 and 97.

Where you said you were not going to lie down?? whatever that meant....and copying in an old post mentioning my name......yet......I have not actually interacted with you in the whole of this thread.

And that is why I put my clarification.....I was not speaking to 'you' ....I was speaking to the subject matter posted about Alan's views on the subject.

I do not know you, I have not got any 'past history' with you and I have not really got any interest at all as I have never met I am not really sure why you are so bothered all the time in thinking that we are communicating. We are not.....I am talking in the thread....just saying every so politely.
Sorry the "lie down" part was meant to be an aside with Ian and nothing nasty was intended by it, and certainly not aimed in anyway at any comment made by you Nicola.

However taken in the context of what discussion forums are about that is quite honestly one of the saddest posts I have read on any forum. I am very sad that any contributor on a forum could be looked upon like that, but hey we are all different. I think I will be off now ta ta. :)


for the record the "lie down" comment was indeed aimed at me and taken in the light hearted manner it was intended.

Just so you know that i did understand the context.


Thanks Ian :)

Weirdly though I neither know you nor have met you when having a discussion on the forum I actually imagine myself talking to you directly when making a post on a topic we are discussing through the fibre optic :)

The thing about forums is Jwp....that you talk to the forum if you want to ....and people have several reasons for doing that. mine was originally to help it get going and to encourage other shooting friends to join to help give advice when asked for.

Or you talk to a person that you know or would like to know if you want to.

Or you discuss a topic you are interested in.

You do not have to know or like every poster on a forum.

If I have anything on a subject to say to you I will let you know. But I learnt very early on that I was of no use to you when it came to help or advice and that is equally fine. It saves me a lot of typing.

As for the sadness bit...I don't understand.....but .....please don't explain as I do not 'do' emotion.

Hope you enjoy your shooting in 2014....all the best.

We are all different and all approach things differently so none of this is any big deal.

With regards to why we are on the forum, well my reason is that for 28yrs i have been addicted and obsessed with trap shooting, if i am not doing it i am thinking about it so talking about it on the forum is just another way of satisfying my fix. If i can be of help to anyone in the process then that's good but as Nicola has said many times what anyone does with it is up to them.

Interesting take on changing comb height by Alan Rhone.

"You have uncovered one of the great myths of shotgunning - that comb height changes point of impact, it doesn't, it changes line of sight. Changing where you are looking may or may not affect where the gun shoots, it all depends on the way you shoot. If you aim the gun using the front bead like a rifle front sight then you will find that a high comb equals a high shot placement. However, if you look over the gun and use the rib as a subconscious aiming aid, you will find that the height of the comb makes little difference unless it is so low that you lift your head to see over the rib. In this case a low comb can make you shoot high. Trust me on this, changing comb height does not change point of impact.

Changing the pitch will not make any difference to the point of impact either. Pitch affects comfort and how easily you can mount the gun. I have carried out many tests using guns with adjustable pitch and I can tell you that changing from extreme down to extreme up-pitch does not move the point of impact at all but it certainly makes a big difference to recoil."

Reflecting my opinion but this is not posted to reopen the debate :)
WOW :)  thanks for digging this up, my excellent pornographic memory knew it was out there but finding it is something else. To be fair he is not the only gunsmith to disassociate pitch with POI.

To the doubters who think anyone not born with a file in their hand and grubby fingernails knows nought, told ya. :party:

"You have uncovered one of the great myths of shotgunning - that comb height changes point of impact, it doesn't, it changes line of sight. Changing where you are looking may or may not affect where the gun shoots, it all depends on the way you shoot. If you aim the gun using the front bead like a rifle front sight then you will find that a high comb equals a high shot placement. However, if you look over the gun and use the rib as a subconscious aiming aid, you will find that the height of the comb makes little difference unless it is so low that you lift your head to see over the rib. In this case a low comb can make you shoot high. Trust me on this, changing comb height does not change point of impact."

Not sure if this is an important person or not but he should read his products' promo literature.  He should also avoid coaching anyone that really has any desire to succeed since he obviously has no concept of gun fitting.  Even his comment on pitch is bogus because that does not apply to game gun shooters that do not mount the gun like a target shooter.  Ever wonder why those stocks look so different from each other??? - - different worlds, folks

I really don't care to be rude but the drivel posted here (like the above) is just beyond belief.  I have no idea what particular parallel universe some of you are posting from but I couldn't be happier that I'm not there.  If you ever get a chance to stop by this universe and find out how to make a gun FIT you and your style of shooting you may benefit.

My God, people!!  This is about as TabA/SlotB as things get and you still ........................

just saying

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Really Wonko ? Alan is a very well respected commentator within shotgun sport world wide but...

I seriously doubt that there is any  target game, sporting, or pigeon shooter in the US that would do anything but pee themselves laughing after reading that quote.  

If that guy is a real authority then there is no wonder attached to the other opinions posted here.  You're in trouble.

Ever wonder why Rhone got into adjustable combs if they are such a waste?

You might give Michael Yardley a quick read.  He understands game and target guns and how to fit them.

Well I posted that this morning taken from Alan's site and to be honest a few will have read it and you are the only one "peeing their self laughing" as to other opinions some seem to be in agreement with Alan. I don't read books too much about gun fitting but I do think  understand what Alan is saying in his quote. It fits in with my own take on it which is perhaps easier for me to take on board. Have a nice day Wonko and a Good New-year !

Dear me wonko are we having a bad day. Mr rhone is highly respected in UK his statement concurs with what many of us have previously said. As John says you are the only one that does not seem to agree. You are of course welcome to your opinion but really no need for such hostility.

Steady boys....there is no hostility ....just someone with a sense of humour having an opinion. Free world and all that..

I vote for World peace..!

Amen to that Nicola ! I only posted Alan's quote because I could use it to illustrate what I was thinking in my ramblings, which, broadly agree with what Alan has said... but I am not on here with the aim of causing trouble. Wonko sees it differently that is his prerogative. Ian too is entitled to have his take on Wonko's post which was a bit brisk but that is why we are here... opinions nothing more.

Brisk, eh?

that's funny

Unfortunately some things are matters of fact, not opinion, and among those factual things falls gun fitting.

The best I can tell you folks is that some of the best shooters and the finest coaches that I have had the opportunity to read or speak with all disagree with you.  If you care to fit yourself to the gun rather than fitting the gun to you, that is most certainly your prerogative and I wish you the very best of luck at it.

And I'm all for ending hunger and seeing world peace just so all y'all know that I'm really a very nice person.   :preved:

have a day

I should also point out that the quote I took from Alan Rhone's website was not a response to any question from me it was in answer to a question asked him in 2001 !


Can you clarify exactly what part you disagree with ?


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