Introduction and gun fit question

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Wrong again I'm afraid. I have done clinics with George D at the Dallas Gun club, I did a three year contract with the Olympic shooters and I know every Olympic coach. Lots of genuine pictures on my web. site here And I do know most of the coaches in the UK. Re. my shotgun skills, please read my post above. I don't think I can make it any clearer?
Post is clear. You make stuff up to back up terrible claims. And your a terrible shot trying to hide the fact your terrible
Luke At 76 years old I'm sure you would be correct about the side bet but at least then you would all know if I can shoot or not? And did you find the advice, pictures etc that I e mailed you to be useful? Please let me know. BTW do you happen to know a shooter over there who posts as Pock65? If you do, please go to the trouble of asking him about the Unit Lead system. Thank you.

Don't sell yourself short for age: I've been beaten by 'experienced' shooters often enough. As for the emails - very kind and if I can find a copy of your book I'd be happy to read it. Not yet made up my mind on what it can do for me, but I'm not a world champion by any means.

Hence the invite to see Ben and yourself in action :) I don't doubt you can shoot. As a betting man, I'd pick a favourite, which in this case would be Ben. I'd still hope for a small spread. I'd prefer to see this taken to a round of clays, but maybe that's just me.
Ben. Thank you for your comments, they are appreciated. I would like to reply.
You say that quote:- "on the list there isn't one name that could take a student to become a serious competitive shot." Please note my name is not on the list.

You go on to say that":- "The sport changes every 5 years" Sorry, but I respectfully don't agree. I'm sure you agree that one of the most important things a shooter must do to become a "serious competitive shot" is to build up his repertoire of sight pictures that he knows to be correct? For that reason, the lead we need to see on a 50 yard crossing shot is exactly the same as it was 100 years ago. The lead requirement on a narrow angle shot is exactly the same as it was 100 years ago.

You say:- "I have coached numerous World Champions and many beginners on their journey too."
Since you have brought it up, so have I, including multitudes of Masterclass and several CURRENT US team members. Some of this is info. on my web. site. But more importantly, all of them use the Unit Lead system of applying lead at the muzzle and so now do many coaches here including Fowler and Materese.

RE your comment "If you're not a good shot, you're definitely a bad coach." I agree 100% . If you are ever in this area please give me a call. I will be honored to shoot a round of SC with you. We can even publish the outcome on here and have a modest side bet?
I'm far from qualified to comment based on my level of skill but, surely gun, choke, cartridge and wind speed will affect lead. In particular, cartridge velocity.
Wow, thank god that’s over, my supply of popcorn had run out and I was going to start on the gin.

In all reality Ben has done it all, which in my eyes counts for a lot more than putting your thoughts print
Scotmac Of course they do.........but only slightly. Most times, if you get the VISUAL lead right, the width of the pattern will save your bacon. If your coach can't explain what that visual lead is to you in logical terms, you will miss.
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Westward In an earlier post you accused me of "causing more threads on Shotgunworld to be locked than anyone else" I didn't have time to respond then, but I would like to now if I may?

In 2013 there was a big SC shoot at the Nad Al Sheba facility in Dubai. A prominent shooter here in the US said that in order to be successful, complete focus on the target was necessary and at 40 yards he could see the ridges on the target, the direction of spin, moisture on the target, the manufacturers name etc etc. I was regularly in Dubai at that time and one of my very wealthy clients called him out and offered him a $10,000 bet if he could do that. I was caught in the middle, a train wreck ensued and eventually the thread was locked.

Eye dominance is very confusing for many of us. I am very lucky because one of my friends in the UK was Dr. Peter O Behan Professor Emeritus from Glasgow University. He was a celebrated expert on neurological eye dominance. One prominent coach here is the US was insisting that in order to be successful with a shotgun, it was necessary to keep both eyes open. Depending on the degree of dominance, I knew that wasn't correct. But this particular coach insisted that it was and of course his clients took more and more lessons over longer periods, always keeping BOTH eyes open but didn't improve.....which was great for his wallet. Then some of them would come to me, I would teach them the correct lead, get them to close an eye and Bingo! they would go from a 60% to 90% success rate over night. I pointed out that Multi Olympic gold medallist (and really nice lady BTW) Kim Rhode was a one-eyed shooter and there were many, many more top level shooters that close an eye. The resultant discussion on SGW didn't go well and it was closed down.

The third time was recently when two top shooters were given credit for getting to the top from another coach which was incorrect. That thread was also closed down. Meaningful discussion is no longer welcome on SGW and for that reason, no Brit coaches go on there now and more and more US coaches are doing the same.

Please do your own research on this, it is all there in black and white. Thank you.
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In 2013 there was a big SC shoot at the Nad Al Sheba facility in Dubai. A prominent shooter here in the US said that in order to be successful, complete focus on the target was necessary and at 40 yards he could see the ridges on the target, the direction of spin, moisture on the target, the manufacturers name etc

Now I know you’re talking bs
Westward In an earlier post you accused me of "causing more threads on Shotgunworld to be locked than anyone else" I didn't have time to respond then, but I would like to now if I may?

In 2013 there was a big SC shoot at the Nad Al Sheba facility in Dubai. A prominent shooter here in the US said that in order to be successful, complete focus on the target was necessary and at 40 yards he could see the ridges on the target, the direction of spin, moisture on the target, the manufacturers name etc etc. I was regularly in Dubai at that time and one of my very wealthy clients called him out and offered him a $10,000 bet if he could do that. I was caught in the middle, a train wreck ensued and eventually the thread was locked.

Eye dominance is very confusing for many of us. I am very lucky because one of my friends in the UK was Dr. Peter O Behan Professor Emeritus from Glasgow University. He was a celebrated expert on neurological eye dominance. One prominent coach here is the US was insisting that in order to be successful with a shotgun, it was necessary to keep both eyes open. Depending on the degree of dominance, I knew that wasn't correct. But this particular coach insisted that it was and of course his clients took more and more lessons over longer periods, always keeping BOTH eyes open but didn't improve.....which was great for his wallet. Then some of them would come to me, I would teach them the correct lead, get them to close an eye and Bingo! they would go from a 60% to 90% success rate over night. I pointed out that Multi Olympic gold medallist (and really nice lady BTW) Kim Rhode was a one-eyed shooter and there were many, many more top level shooters that close an eye. The resultant discussion on SGW didn't go well and it was closed down.

The third time was recently when two top shooters were given credit for getting to the top from another coach which was incorrect. That thread was also closed down. Meaningful discussion is no longer welcome on SGW and for that reason, no Brit coaches go on there now and m ore and more US coaches are doing the same.

Please do your own research on this, it is all there in black and white. Thank you.
I have no idea what any of that story has to do with anything I posted.

I didn't "accuse" you, I was simply repeating what I heard on the grapevine. I've looked at Shotgunworld about twice in my life and that was 2 times too many so I have absolute no wish to do any research.
Westward You deliberately tried to stir the pot because you didn't agree with my discussion with Ben. My explanation on here was so that you could understand exactly why those threads were locked.

And unfortunately, by endorsing Wynno (who tells me I am talking B/S) on the post above, you are doing it again. If you continue to do that, please grow a pair and identify yourself like I have, or at least delete the Cereritas et Accuratio off your AKA. Because it isn't. Thank you.
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Westward You deliberately tried to stir the pot because you didn't agree with my discussion with Ben. My explanation on here was so that you could understand exactly why those threads were locked.

And unfortunately, by endorsing Wynno (who tells me I am talking B/S) on the post above, you are doing it again. If you continue to do that, please grow a pair and identify yourself like I have, or at least delete the Cereritas et Accuratio off your AKA. Because it isn't. Thank you.
Pete leave the Uk sites to uk shooters and professionals mate. I know you have tried to come in sell a few books but it’s failed. I believe you mean well maybe even believe that your good at what you do and that’s totally fine but the sell failed sir
Ben. Wrong again. Don't your clients get tired of listening to you? Or perhaps some of them will realize that that an investment in a book of mine makes a more sense than spending money taking expensive lessons? At least my clients know where their guns shoot.

Wynno. Of course. Unfortunately public forums like this are full of anonymous posters like you that spout complete garbage don't have the guts to identify themselves.
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Ben. Wrong again. Don't your clients get tired of listening to you?
Which part was wrong. The back log for lessons is crazy so would seem not. You have no clients so I won’t ask the same question
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Of course you have Ben. And if my granny had a pair she would be my grandad. Carry on.
I will bet you $5000 dollars I am fully booked I do more hours a day than you do in a month

Now let’s see if you really back yourself
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Fabulous Ben. I'm really pleased you are so busy! As you said in an earlier post, you are THE best, so I'm not surprised. Carry on. And if you clients would really like to know where their guns shoot, they could always buy one of my books..............................

And you do more hours in a day than I do in a month? I'm sure you do Ben, you're the best. So, why waste so much time on here talking to me? And before you ask, I won't take on any more clients because I'm RETIRED.
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I will bet you $50,000 dollars I am fully booked till February
Fabulous Ben. I'm really pleased you are so busy! As you said in an earlier post, you are THE best, so I'm not surprised. Carry on. And if you clients would really like to know where their guns shoot, they could always buy one of my books..............................
Lol you don’t even know where u shoot.