Introduction and gun fit question

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Ben. As I said in a previous post, no point in continuing this. Why start it up again? I'm really not interested if you can use a pattern plate or not.
Ben. Wrong again. Don't your clients get tired of listening to you? Or perhaps some of them will realize that that an investment in a book of mine makes a more sense than spending money taking expensive lessons? At least my clients know where their guns shoot.

Wynno. Of course. Unfortunately public forums like this are full of anonymous posters like you that spout complete garbage don't have the guts to identify themselves.
Happy to identify myself, Wynn Owen and I still think you’re spouting bull s**t
Wynn In what way am I spouting B/S? Please explain yourself. Or have you made that up to cause trouble?
So far everything you have said about clay shooting and teaching is so far from being correct I suppose some people could read it as BS

I would more call it a aprils fool
1st shooting coach:- "OK guys, hold on a minute. Here's an older guy that has over 40 years of professional coaching experience that is long, high and wide. He's come out with a logical way to apply lead to every target on a skeet trap and SC course and many coaches in the US are using his system now."
2nd shooting coach:- "Noooo, really? You mean, to explain lead to his students, it doesn't rely on meditation, burning candles or the "magic of your subconscious" like we tell 'em?"
1st shooting coach:- "No, it actually works, gets 'em to the top very quickly.......and he has all the calculations and figures in the book to prove it. He says he will publish the books soon in a very inexpensive PDF file format. Just a few dollars each. Should help lots of shooters"
2nd coach "That's not good! We'd better tell everyone he's talking B/S for no other reason than to make him look like an idiot, otherwise nobody will take as many expensive lessons with us because they will read his books instead? Oh noooooo!"
1st shooting coach " Yeah, that's what we'll do. Tell everyone that he can't shoot and he can't coach....even though he has done it professionally and written some great books with good reviews."
2nd coach "Great idea! And even if he does try to back up what he says with hard evidence on his web. site, we will get Wynno to tell everyone the pictures are fake and he's full of B/S! Exactly Phew! Man, that was close."
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1st shooting coach:- "OK guys, hold on a minute. Here's an older guy that has over 40 years of professional coaching experience that is long, high and wide. He's come out with a logical way to apply lead to every target on a skeet trap and SC course and many coaches in the US are using his system now."
2nd shooting coach:- "Noooo, really? You mean, to explain lead to his students, it doesn't rely on meditation, burning candles or the "magic of your subconscious" like we tell 'em?"
1st shooting coach:- "No, it actually works, gets 'em to the top very quickly.......and he has all the calculations and figures in the book to prove it. He says he will publish the books soon in a very inexpensive PDF file format. Just a few dollars each. Should help lots of shooters"
2nd coach "That's not good! We'd better tell everyone he's talking B/S for no other reason than to make him look like an idiot, otherwise nobody will take as many expensive lessons with us because they will read his books instead? Oh noooooo!"
1st shooting coach " Yeah, that's what we'll do. Tell everyone that he can't shoot and he can't coach....even though he has done it professionally and written some great books with good reviews."
2nd coach "Great idea! And even if he does try to back up what he says with hard evidence on his web. site, we will still tell everyone he's full of B/S! Exactly Phew! Man, that was close."
You say it’s good. Everyone in the USA says the opposite

“Nice guy knows nothing about shooting” top 3 shots in USA
Yes of course Ben. Please read Bobby Fowlers web. site Elite Shooting School press room mastering long crossing shots and Anthony Matereses new book. I'm sure you agree they are two of the best over here, and many, many more coaches use the system. But then being a pathological liar, I would say that.

Wynno. Yep, you got me! All the pictures of the Olypmic shooters on my web. site are fakes. Can't fool a genius like you, can I?
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Yes of course Ben. Please read Bobby Fowlers web. site Elite Shooting School press room mastering long crossing shots and Anthony Matereses new book. I'm sure you agree they are two of the best over here, and many, many more coaches use the system. But then being a pathological liar, I would say that.

Wynno. Yep, you got me! All the pictures of the Olypmic shooters on my web. site are fakes. Can't fool a genius like you, can I?
There photos of u with Olympian u sausage. I know early all of them and their COACHES. Jesus you get worse
So do I Ben. It was over a three year contract. Very well paid. That's not bad for someone who can't coach, can't shoot, can't fit shotguns but can actually can get so many to the top so quickly is it? 2-3 hours to read every target on a skeet field? That's got to be B/S........hasn't it?

BTW There are only about 50-60 hard copies of the Unit Lead system book left and about 70 of the Reading Targets book. Successful Shotgunning was available over there but I heard "through the jungle drums" that it has sold out now and there was lots of information in that book about using a pattern plate. Oooops, sorry, that's not much use to you is it? You fit shotguns by witchcraft and VooDoo. After they are gone, the books will sell as e books. Are you sure you don't want a hard copy of each before they go? I'll even sign them for you? But the postage from here in the US is expensive.
So do I Ben. It was over a three year contract. Very well paid. That's not bad for someone who can't coach, can't shoot, can't fit shotguns but can actually can get so many to the top so quickly is it? 2-3 hours to read every target on a skeet field? That's got to be B/S........hasn't it?

BTW There are only about 50-60 hard copies of the Unit Lead system book left and about 70 of the Reading Targets book. Successful Shotgunning was available over there but I heard "through the jungle drums" that it has sold out now and there was lots of information in that book about using a pattern plate. Oooops, sorry, that's not much use to you is it? You fit shotguns by witchcraft and VooDoo. After they are gone, the books will sell as e books. Are you sure you don't want a hard copy of each before they go? I'll even sign them for you? But the postage from here in the US is expensive.
I’ll be good just packing to go and fit the royal families in the UAE guns I guarantee you 3 people in the equation for the job you were not one lol

Oh and this morning I fitted the team from Kazakhstan who flew 13 hours for a week with me
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Wrong again I'm afraid. Considering I can't shoot and can't coach the job was offered to me, I turned it down and offered it to another coaching friend of mine in the UK. I'm just glad it wasn't you because they needed their Perrazzis fitted.

If you look closely you will find some very interesting pictures of the UAE shooters. Oooops, sorry, nearly forgot, Wynoo says they are fake. My, this is Soooooo much fun!!! Your turn to come up with more B/S Ben? But really, I have enjoyed our little chat, sure you don't want to change your mind about the books?
Wrong again I'm afraid. Considering I can't shoot and can't coach the job was offered to me, I turned it down and offered it to another coaching friend of mine in the UK. I'm just glad it wasn't you because they needed their Perrazzis fitted.

If you look closely you will find some very interesting pictures of the UAE shooters. Oooops, sorry, nearly forgot, Wynoo says they are fake. My, this is Soooooo much fun!!! Your turn to come up with more B/S Ben? But really, I have enjoyed our little chat, sure you don't want to change your mind about the books?
Strange that as I know the other 2 who were in the mix, there is Perazzi, krieghoff, beretta and Blaser to be fitted actually. I’ve just asked the sheikh if he’s heard of you. In the morning we will find out I fear your going to be embarrassed again
Not as embarrassed as you Ben. All the fake pictures are on my web. site including the one of me with UAE shooter Saif Bin Futtais. So, which sheik are we talking about here? Saeed Al Maktoum? If you take the trouble to read my posts I state clearly when I was in Dubai and for how many years. And I don't, out of respect put pictures of some of my clients on my web. site, certainly not of the UAR royal family. No, not even for you Ben, because as we have already seen from your posts, you wouldn't believe any of it. Why? Because as we have already established you are a good shot (I congratulated you on that remember) but it looks as though the thing that you (and Wynno) excel at is hurling insults (please notice I don't do that) and calling me a liar.

So, for the final time, I'm finished here. BTW as a parting shot, (excuse the pun) I coach some of your clients because until last year, I regularly coached in the UK. But if you would like info. on fitting shotguns or reading targets please don't hesitate to contact me. Because from what I hear, you can't do either.
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Not as embarassed as you Ben. The fake pictures are on my web. site including the one of me with Saif Bin Futtais.
Yes u met them lol. I coach them and do the gun fittings. Now I have more USA shooters inboxing me on social media. I didn’t realise just what a pretender you really are. They really talk you down
Ben. Go through your list of clients in the UK that like to shoot driven birds, pheasant and partridge. Then go through the ones that don't come to you anymore. It isn't hard to figure out why.
Ben. Go through your list of clients in the UK that like to shoot driven birds, pheasant and partridge. Then go through the ones that don't come to you anymore. It isn't hard to figure out why.
Everywhere single one of them stil come to me. And Gained 7 more infield clients this years from my YouTube channel

Your like a fountain of no information

Update reply from the royals families “is he the tennis guy” safe to say u you were not in the mix
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Even BAD publicity can be good for book sales. Peeps may buy them just to see what the fuss is about.