@schmokinn I believe said world champion shoots Hull. Said so himself in said post and has done for a couple of decades. I guess your experience taught you it was gamebore?
Slide rules are a relic of the past. It’s a spreadsheet nowadays. that’s progress for you
i definitely don’t understand gameshooting. I have zero knowledge or experience of that. Physics on the other hand I do. Again it seems some are inviting me to go deeper as it’s been suggested that what I’ve written so far doesn’t go deep enough. Oddly, it has appeared the basics have been largely disputed without foundation, so goodness knows what more advanced physics will be subject to.
ignorant? Of what? The facts? Physics? I’m ignorant of a great many things, but not all things as I’m quite sure you are also ignorant of many things but not all things.
Or perhaps you, mean ignorant as in rude? From you, a person who stooped to personal insults and continues to do so, I’d say that’s quite hypocritical. Honestly, I’d have more respect if you hadn't crouched so low. Disappointing.
many times I’ve seen ”experience” falter over knowledge. Such as a builder who screwed up an architects plans and built a pile of crap using this experience as a guide.
ive seen experience touted by those lacking in other areas as if it were a trump card. It isn’t. Experience is simply knowledge gained over time without peer review or proper benchmarking.
I’ve got a fair amount of experience in many things, but I defer to those with lesser experience and greater knowledge as my experience (the irony) tells me it’s more often than not the more prudent approach.
so, my apologies for being rude, but your experience doesn’t count with me at all.
im sure I can shoot more clays, gain more experience. What about you? Plan on reading any medical journals or physics textbooks?
on my limited experience, I have in the back of my mind comments from my experienced coach who tells me he’s seen people with 20 years experience shoot more poorly than I. Going further to tell me he’s witnessed people spending 30 to 40 cartridges to find the lead and hit a clay that I hit on the fifth. The irony is I seem to hit more the less I think. Perhaps your right about knowledge. It’s a wast of time. Next time I need a surgeon I’ll go ask that builder to sort me out