New gun - but neck ache after shooting

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Do you mean you will guess which choke for £50? On recoil alone.
No, he is saying that he doesn't think I can do it. Its been a while, but I recall clearly noticing the difference between a half and a cylinder. I think this was in my Browning or it may have been in a K80.

I'll give Edd 50 quid if he teaches me to hit that horrid simo pair at Westfield England selection shoot that I only hit 2 off. He smoked all 8. I'm out Sunday and will put full and cylinder in to check before I back your bet. Edd's giving 5-1 odds.

So does more choke kick less cuz the shot hitting the restriction pulls the gun awaaaay from you?  How much choke does it take to eliminate recoil totally?  I mean, big bore and all that and a tight choke you should have to hang on just to not have it get away from you.  Right??

If my memory serves me rightly... I stuck in a half choke (to replace a cylinder) and immediately noticed more recoil.

A few spaces left in August if you fancy it!
I off nearly all of August. Wouldn't mind a couple of hours. See what I'm doing wrong with my Krieghoff.

Will see how I get on Sunday. Changed the balance slightly to just behind the hinge pin.

Hope to liven it up a bit on quick close stuff.

well the Isis Xpad i had fitted has certainly helped still not 100% with it but as its adjustable i need to get used to the adjustment at present i want to move it back straight but will continue with it for a while and hope scores improve.
Well if anyone is interested i now have no serious neck pain after shooting even shooting 75 28g Eley olympic blues on Sunday. but i may go back to 24g as i quite like them.

Wow some physics going on...... Newtonian mechanics are very simple but felt recoil is not Newtonian I have measured recoil (not easy) and not as accurately as I would have liked!

Take. A 21g cart, a 20stone shooter and an 8lb gun you still get 8g+ of acceleration at the gun!
Should anyone want to try this I am available on Sundays :)

Just what is it that we'd be trying?

Aren't you old enough now to know better?
I ain't trying anything with you! As for the rest "Take. A 21g cart, a 20stone shooter and an 8lb gun you still get 8g+ of acceleration at the gun!"  anyone who knows me and my lead-loaded Browning can see that my cartridge bag [SIZE=12.222222328186px]contains[/SIZE] only 21g [SIZE=12.222222328186px]cartridges[/SIZE]

Well if anyone is interested i now have no serious neck pain after shooting even shooting 75 28g Eley olympic blues on Sunday. but i may go back to 24g as i quite like them.
I may have spoken too soon as my neck is now killing me :( ..... anyone want to swap 500 28g shells for 24g? 

Are you sure it is the load that is causing the pain and not gun fit or gun mount or general tension whilst shooting ?


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