New gun - but neck ache after shooting

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Your old(my new)K80 had a high rib and you new P gun does not.

Don't quite know where Wonko gets his info.

Try shooting a 18.4 perrazi then shoot a 18.6 Perazzi.

The difference is very noticeable. Don't understand why they have so many bore size's.

To much to think about.

Really!?!? Try firing a 7-08 through a 308, then fire a 308 through a 7-08...if your still alive you'll agree they 'overbore' has less recoil...
You're out of context James, really basic physics proves recoil is the product of weight / speed of projectile V mass of gun, everything else is window dressing. This has been going on for decades where manufacturers have swapped preferences for internal barrel measurements sometimes to reduce recoil and sometimes to gain better patterns !!

Before and after tests in the US have concluded you can't improve patterns since they're random anyway and blind tests showed you can't detect a reduction in recoil, if you can't detect it it ain't there. All this coming from someone who'll walk a 100 miles to reduce recoil.

Surely pressure effects recoil? When I had a multi choke gun, I could notice less recoil with more open choke.

Surely pressure effects recoil? When I had a multi choke gun, I could notice less recoil with more open choke.
Surely pressure effects recoil? When I had a multi choke gun, I could notice less recoil with more open choke.
Would you be prepared to demonstrate the ability to pick out the relative constriction by firing the gun not knowing what was screwed in ? I don't mean call out the choke, merely tighter so it feels thumpier will do.

Think about it, if choke in itself made a difference then it would disprove Newtons Law, anything you do to the equation which affects the velocity will make a difference but that would not likely be enough to be detectable in any case but any tests have to first ensure that velocities have remained the same, lab conditions in other words.

If you remove metal from a given barrel to overbore it you have in effect reduced it's weight so if anything REAL recoil HAS to increase, factually if not detectably ! If you start off with an already over bored gun then any recoil characterisation is purely conjecture and wholly unscientific.

I have shot whole rounds with the DT11, it feels lovely, solid and controlled, exactly as it should given its relative weight and well designed ergonomics, it is not different to say a 682 in the recoil department. Over boring CAN reduce velocities which may be construed as soft shooting but it is of course nothing but physics doing its work.

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I can tell a half choke and a cylinder choke by recoil feel, yes.

But while force is irrefutable, it's direction also surely. Any energy lost around the load won't push backwards. A grenade will hit stuff all around it. If it were in a tube (that could stand the blast) then all the energy would only be from the ends. Or, if you hit a cartridge with a hammer and nail to set it off, you won't get recoil (just noise and chaos). How the cartridge is held and contained makes a difference to what energy is forced back toward the shooter surely.

Wow some physics going on...... Newtonian mechanics are very simple but felt recoil is not Newtonian I have measured recoil (not easy) and not as accurately as I would have liked!

Take. A 21g cart, a 20stone shooter and an 8lb gun you still get 8g+ of acceleration at the gun!

So all that said and done. Why do Perazzi have varying bore sizes on the same gun? I too can tell the difference using full choke to cylinder choke. I'll bet money on it.

Hamster, you have my respect for your tolerance.

the answer to all of the attendant questions is simply, marketing hype

If I were as sensitive as some of you purport to be the world would be a place of near incessant violence.  Fortunately my low birth precludes that.

Ill take a £50 bet on the guessing which choke is which from recoil alone, come and get it!


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