New gun - but neck ache after shooting

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It was fine when I was shooting 24g hasn't happened for weeks last time it was bad was June/July difference is carts

As a fellow neck pain sufferer I sympathise mate.f black or hi velocity is what I suggest for light 24g

What are Fblu like? The intercomp were good I haven't tried any premium 28g might try a box but the acid test isn't till I shoot 100 and wait 2/3 days get it wrong and walking and driving is agony so experimentation isnt ideal.... Any point going to the quack?

Blue are good but black are better and softer. Gp probably of no use from my Experience But probably best to go just in case. A degenerative condition of the vertebrae like me is my best guess.


           Anyone who suffers discomfort /pain that is unusual /unbearable should of course seek professional advice.Always better safe than sorry.

It may be something as simple as a trapped nerve caused by incorrect posture, even sleeping with your head on too many pillows can cause serious neck ache problems that do not manifest themselves during rest periods.

I had traction, I was strapped into a weird head contraption then my neck was stretched for about half an hour once a week for about a month. It worked but it soon came back so now I just live with the pain / discomfort same as I live with the constant pain from sciaitica and arthritic hip. My physio (private not NHS as I haven't got six weeks to wait to see an NHS one) said if I was a horse I would have been put down by now ..... charming :)

Yes BUT if you go NHS be ready for a few weeks wait too see one, if your in a lot of pain and if the cost is not relevant just go private. Good luck.

I had traction, I was strapped into a weird head contraption then my neck was stretched for about half an hour once a week for about a month. It worked but it soon came back so now I just live with the pain / discomfort same as I live with the constant pain from sciaitica and arthritic hip. My physio (private not NHS as I haven't got six weeks to wait to see an NHS one) said if I was a horse I would have been put down by now ..... charming :)
Mmmmmm. So Ian you were strapped into a weird head contraption. Sounds good / interesting.

A good stretching is always good.

How long is your neck now? Did you have to have the stock altered?

Did your physio say anything about the high heel shoes you wear? They can give you back and neck ache.

You need to move down South, nice and warm. 78 deg today. Helps the joints.

See you Northerners are not that tough.

I had traction, I was strapped into a weird head contraption then my neck was stretched for about half an hour once a week for about a month. It worked but it soon came back so now I just live with the pain / discomfort same as I live with the constant pain from sciaitica and arthritic hip. My physio (private not NHS as I haven't got six weeks to wait to see an NHS one) said if I was a horse I would have been put down by now ..... charming :)
One presumes that he didn't say anything about that horse part to anyone in your family

And for the record she was serious.

rossi your right about the heat much better when abroad and even in UK summer.

Gastro did you sort your neck issue? GP was useless, just shrugged and said "take ibuprofen, rest, don't lift anything heavy" She didn't seem to know what clay shooting was .... So diagnosis may have been a bit wide of the mark..... It's the time lag i find odd 48 hours after shooting seems a long time after an injury or whatever for the symptoms to show ???

Told you Gp waste of time. Clue is in title general you need a good physio mate they are the experts. Do you get referral pain in shoulder blade as in the back of shoulder ?


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