OT gun weight

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Choke effect is speed dependent and current Oly loads are pretty zippy so you need less choke to get the same pattern densities.  1/2 choke is right at devastating for the first barrel.  A good many Perazzi "full" chokes are just a taste more than 3/4, tho some of the older guns run well over 4/4 hahaha.  I have a 70's pigeon gun that measures .042" choke in a .724" bore.  We're taking stone kills at the fence!

I recently acquired an unaltered MX2L bunker barrel that measures .702/.688 in a .727 bore.  Killer!

And if you want to eliminate the shoot off thing just crank up the target speeds and see how everybody likes THAT!

And who is it that's complaining about the current scheme?  Still waiting to hear on that.

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probably no current elite OT shooters moaning in public for fear of rocking the ISSF boat. I suspect if you got them on their own in the bar they would be less complimentary. 

While it is the same for everybody (in the finals that is) the finals game appears to be a completely different discipline from the qualification game and certainly seems to suit some shooters more than others. You previously gave the example that the 100metres Finals can be won in a slower time than in the heats but at least the finals race format is exactly the same as the heats. They don't ask the 100 metre qualifiers to run the 110 Metres hurdles in the final!

There may well be shooters out there who practice, practice single barrel and would clean up if they ever got to a final but are not good enough to qualify over 125 targets. Conversely there are those who qualify really well and crash and burn in the finals. Two different disciplines!

like most I have no foot in this game, nor am I ever likely to have but I do like to see a level playing field for all.


Obviously the current crop of shooters are too competent at the current 2-shot format to expect the shoot offs to not last potentially forever.  And like you say, everybody shoots the same game.  So if the shootoffs have to be the same as the qualifier, and they can't last forever, just how would you make it diff than it is now?  Remember - time is $ and may be restricted in some locales. 

The current scheme also near guarantees a time frame for the event.  I suspect that 21stCentury organizers are in love with that aspect so you have to accommodate that as well.

so  - - what is the answer?  Gonna be way difficult to come up with as decisive a process as the current one and diff at the same time.  I give the innovator pretty high marks, personally.  Satisfying a number of conditions all at the same time.  

and the best shooter that day still wins

A very good point and one I made also. However if moving to a lighter load in some way could stretch the echelon a bit it could be worth it in a competitive sense. It is a bit of a difficult situation because normally the elite drive the sport in terms of rules.

Interesting what 40UP reports because I was thinking  about the 28g vs 24g debate the other day in relation to choke but then using 32g illustrates it even better, with that sort of load I would be willing to bet you could use 1/4 choke I the first barrel and still get dust. What I am saying in effect is that most people shoot their guns with too tight a choke for a 28g loading and that 1/2 choke would maybe be a better first barrel option for most average shooters competing in UT and  even 1/2 or probably 5/8 better for OT. Sorry this is not quite on topic but an interesting thought  perhaps. Not much good if you have a fixed choke gun though?
Interestingly I was shooting OT at Beverley last week in practice and as I don't have a full choke for my DT10, I was using half and three quarters with Cheddite ORO 24gr. Now I only shoot practice, being a retired ole tart who can't afford to keep entering comps but still managed a 23 with 3 second barrel kills. Okay so lucky maybe or even a fluke (trying a different pick up point) but nevertheless if I can break most of the targets on that day with half choke, what would a good OT shooter do with a more open choke.

I am off tomorrow for a bit more practice so I will soon find out if I can repeat the scores and if so perhaps even a comp soon. I wish I came across OT years ago as I just love it.


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